Little Talks

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“Gah!” I groaned into my pillow. “Connor not now I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I rolled on my side to face the door as light pierced the darkness of my room. 

Contrary to whom I had thought it was, Sam’s head poked in beside my door. He looked at me sheepishly, “it’s not Connor.”

I sat up and rolled my eyes, “just come in Sam.”

“Well if you insist.”

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. He sat down on the corner of my bad, when I looked at him I could see his joking demeanor had disappeared.

“Grace, we need to talk.” I stared at him, “If this is about Gabriel then just leave right now, I’m not in the mood.” I almost laughed, of course it would be about Gabriel, what else?

Sam looked at my nightstand table where there was a picture of me and my parents. I was about seven in that picture, my hair was a mess on my head and my eyes were bright. He looked back at me, “you’ve been here for what, two weeks? What do you really know about Gabriel?” His piercing eyes searched mine.

I pondered that for a moment, what did I know about Gabriel? “I know he is not as dangerous as you guys make him out to be.”

Sam shook his head; he was silent for a bit. I took that time to really study his face. Wow that makes me sound really creepy, but I hadn’t seen him so serious before. I was used to him joking around and making a fool of himself, this was something new to me entirely.

His hair was styled in that natural ‘I just got out of bed look’. His jaw was set like he was thinking very hard. Long dark eye lashes framed his eyes; the silver grey glowed in the dimly lit room. He turned to me and raised an eyebrow when he saw me staring.

“Grace it’s not just that he’s dangerous. Gabriel is a player, he will use you for whatever he wants then he will drop you.” Sam sounded sincerely concerned. “I can take care of myself, just because I’m a girl doesn’t mean I’m some fragile person.”

Sam looked at me straight on, “we know that Grace, that’s not what I’m saying.”

I stared back at him, firmly holding his eyes, “what are you saying then.”

“You barely even know us, Noah, Connor, and I. But we’re the good guys here I promise you.”

I groaned bringing my knees up to my face. “Sam this isn’t a case of good guys and bad guys, you are trying to control who I can be friends with. You can’t do that, I won’t be controlled, you have to let me make my own decisions and well, if it turns out you’re right you can say I told you so.”

“You can’t expect us to not worry.” Sam leaned closer to me; I hadn’t realized how close we were till now. He sat less than a foot away from me. His eyes were open wide locked on mine they looked troubled, brought his face closer to mine.

“I really shouldn’t do this…” And with that he crashed his lips to mine.

A/N Hi guys! I thought it was necessary to update seeing as I probably wont have much time to write in the next week. Plus who doesn't love a good cliff hanger right?;) Did anyone expect this haha? So last chapter you guys easily got five votes so this time I will only update once there are ten votes.  We're almost at 100:D and almost 1000 reads 0.o omg. It would be an awesome gift if we could get there for Christmas, maybe??

Song of the chapter : And The Snakes Start To Sing - Bring Me The Horizon

*Merry Christmas ^.^*

Btw if you guys have actors you think would be fitting for some characters just let me know in the comments!!

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