Moody Boys Mellow Fields

135 16 7

Gabriel wouldn’t tell me where we were going; he said it was a surprised. Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to be going somewhere unknown with a guy I had only just met a while ago, but something about me just didn’t care right now. I texted Sam what I was doing and then turned my phone off.

We drove for a good twenty minutes, and I felt a little nervous when I realized we were far away from public.

“Um... Gabriel where are we?” I asked when he stopped the car by the side of a forest. There was a little path that leads into the trees and I found myself getting flashbacks from hen Ackley left me in the rain.

His lips curved up into a mischievous smile. “We’re going on an adventure.”

We both exited his black Maserati and he started walking on the path. With a moment of hesitation I followed.

Unlike most other days the sun was shining. A warm breeze pushed my hair back and the forest smelled fresh, the way it does after rain. We walked down the path which was soft dirt and I only tripped once. We walked in silence listening to the sounds around us.

When Gabriel stopped I noticed too late and walked straight into his back. He must work out because I swear it was like walking into a wall. I walked around him to see why he had stopped.

My eyes opened wide. Ahead was a small clearing. Purple, orange and blue flowers dotted the grass. And in the middle was a small stream that ran from one edge to the other. The current was lazy and the water was clear.

“This is beautiful,” I whispered awestruck.

Gabriel grinned, “I guessed you’d like it, much better than school right?”

I nodded my head and had the sudden urge to run. Now let me get something straight. I am not the athletic type and running is basically my worst enemy, but this place it just, I don’t know it made me want to run around and just laugh and do whatever I wanted.

I took off running around the forest and heard Gabriel’s puzzled voice ask what I was doing. I just laughed and continued to run; I went along the edge of the stream and smiled. I felt free, no death, no moody boys, nothing but me and the air filling my lungs as I laughed.

I stopped by the water and looked at my reflection, my cheeks were rosy and my hair was windblown. My eyes were bright and I looked happy. I saw Gabriel’s reflection in the water, he stood behind me.

He tugged on my hand, “come here Grace.”

Feeling light on my feet I followed him to the edge of the clearing, to a spot shaded slightly by the overhang of a tree. Gabriel sat down and leaned against the smooth trunk. I sat beside him cross legged.

“This is where I come sometimes, if I need to clear my head.”

“Thanks for bringing me,” I spoke quietly as if not wanting to disrupt the peace of the forest.

We sat in silence, it wasn’t awkward though. The sun made his eyes bright and he looked as peaceful as I felt.

We walked back to the car after an hour or so and I gave Gabriel directions to the house. We made it just as the sun was going down.

Gabriel smiled at me, “if you ever want to go somewhere you know who to ask.”

I smiled and nodded, after saying bye I started walking to the house. I stopped when I reached the door, nervously I twisted the knob. I had most definitely missed dinner and hadn’t checked my phone once.

I entered the house and shut the door quietly behind me. I walked in and was met by Connor running down the stairs. “Grace you’re home!! You are in so much crap.”

We walked together to the kitchen where Dallin and Sam were both sitting at the table while Noah paced beside them. When I entered Sam jumped up from his seat.

“Grace what the hell!”

I looked at him then Dallin, “Dallin I’m so sorry I didn’t expect to be out so late!”

He looked at me but before he could speak Noah burst towards me, “what do you think you were doing going out with Gabriel!? He isn’t safe, we had no idea where you were we were just about to go looking for you!”

I glared at Noah, “oh, so now you’re speaking to me.”

This time Dallin interrupted before Noah could speak, “Grace he’s right we had no idea where you were. I am your legal guardian, which means I’m responsible for your safety.”

I nodded. Dallin continued, “You’re grounded for a week.”

The words sounded strange coming from Dallin and even he looked a little inexperienced in groundings.

I nodded again and walked upstairs to my room. I had a shower and thought about Gabriel. How could he be dangerous, so far he was the nicest guy I’d met.

I changed into pajamas and when I walked into my room I saw that someone was waiting on my bed.

“Noah what…?”

He stood up and walked towards me, his eyes were unreadable. “You need to stop talking to Gabriel.”

I groaned and tried to move around him, “get out of my room Noah.”

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me till I was against the wall in front of him. “Grace I will see to it personally that you don’t talk to him again just listen to me he is dangerous.”

I shook my head “no he’s not, I don’t know why you guys think that but he isn’t.” I tried to move around him again but he put his arm up and leaned his hand against the wall by my shoulder to stop me.

“He is a liar; you don’t know him at all.”

I glared at Noah then felt my cheeks heat up when I realized how close his face was to mine. I looked down, refusing to look at him. After what felt like hours Noah left.

My thoughts wouldn’t leave me alone and I was ready for sleep, which is why when I heard a knock on my door I almost didn’t answer it.

A/N Okay so 5 votes and I will update, it's not that hard just click the button on the side, or if you're on the app just click the star. Comments would be appreciated tooooo!! If we could get this story to 1000 reads for Christmas I would probably die!! Tell me who you like more Gabriel or Noah... or Sam?

Song of the chapter: Always Attract by You Me At Six

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