Bacon and Build-a-Bear

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of heaven. My mouth watered and I was awake instantly. There’s nothing like waking up to the smell of bacon!

 I got out of bed and moved towards the closet, I peered inside and found my two bags strewn across the floor. After searching for something to wear I finally came up with a blue hoodie and a black pair of skinny jeans. I really didn’t have many clothes; I would need to go shopping soon. After that I went to the washroom to wash up and put my hair into a messy bun.

When I was ready I walked downstairs, I didn’t really know where the kitchen was so I let my nose lead the way.

The house was actually way bigger than the small cabin I had made it out to be, I walked past the front hall and turned left, there was another hallway with one door open on the side. I looked in and saw that it was a study. I kept walking and passed another staircase, only this one was leading downstairs. The smell of bacon was getting stronger so I presumed I was on the right track. I walked down the hall a little more then turned to the left.

There was a big room with cabinets lining the walls and what looked to be a professional kitchen, with a large stainless steel fridge, and lights hanging down from the ceiling. In the middle of the room was a big wooden table and seated at the table were Samuel and Conner. Dallin was busy at the stove cooking up what looked like a feast.

There were waffles, French toast, eggs, pancakes, sausages-and yes- bacon. He looked up at me; he smiled sheepishly, “I didn’t exactly know what you liked so I just made a bit of everything.” I grinned, “It looks delicious!” As if to prove my point my stomach growled, “it’s just about ready,” Dallin reassured me.

I moved to an empty chair beside Conner and sat down. I looked over at Samuel who was wearing a green t-shirt and blue jeans. I laughed slightly to myself, “nice to see you’re wearing pants today Samuel.” He glared at me with an embarrassed look on his face. Beside me Conner started laughing, “Oh god was he wearing his teddy bear boxers,” I nodded a yes and laughed too.

Samuel stood up from the table, “I think I’ll just be going to my room.”  But Dallin interrupted him, “you sit your but back down, I didn’t cook up this whole feast for you to go storming out before you’ve had any,”  then he looked at me, “and Grace you can call him Sam everyone else does.”

Sam reluctantly sat back down and Dallin began placing the food on the table. Just then someone else walked into the room. He was tall, though not as tall as Sam who had to be at least six foot. He had straight jet black hair and dazzling pale blue eyes that seemed to literally sparkle. He was wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans and he had a sour look on his face. I was assuming this was Noah.

I looked at Conner and whispered, “Look the monsters come out of its cave.” Everyone went silent, I guess I whispered louder than I thought. Then suddenly Sam burst out laughing, Conner joined in and Noah sent me a glare from his spot across the table.

When he had finally stopped laughing enough to talk Sam said, “I think I’m going to like having you here.” I blushed and cracked a grin. Noah was still giving me a death glare, Dallin sighed, “ok now everybody eat, there had better be no left overs.”

I piled my plate high with French toast and bacon. After my sixth slice of bacon Noah looked at me disgusted, “are you ever going to stop eating.” “I’ll stop when bacon stops being delicious,” I replied. Connor laughed, “So never,” he said whilst taking the last piece of bacon. I looked at him aghast, “how dare you I was just about to eat that!”

“Aren’t you embarrassed or the least bit self-conscious? Most girls would be if they were eating in front of amazingly handsome guys,” Sam asked. “You guys aren’t that good looking,” I lied. “So you admit we are attractive,” Sam winked, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

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