Cliché Kissing

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His lips were cool but his breath was warm, he smelled fresh the way it does after it rains. He moved closer, (was that even possible?), and wound his hands in my hair. After about ten seconds I came to my senses and pulled back.

I looked slowly at Sam, he watched me with wide, questioning, eyes. They shone wildly with silver-grey. I bit my lip and looked down. I mentally slapped myself, what was wrong with me?! A gorgeous guy kisses you and you pull away without saying anything, I must be crazy.

Finally gathering my courage I looked back up at Sam, who hasn't moved, and I open my mouth to speak.

"You're right Sam... I barely know anything about you guys, I can't go around kissing people I barely know."

He was about to reply but I stopped him, "look, my parents just died, I can't handle this right now. I know I seem okay but... I don't know how long it will be until I really am."

I put my face in my hands and groaned, "God I sound so cliché right now."

Sam put his hand on my shoulder, "hey it's okay our mom,'ve probably noticed her absence. So I do understand. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you." He offered me a smile, "it's just hard to resist."

When he saw my flat look he chuckled slightly, "just kidding, so we're good? Because I really don't any awkwardness between us, we have Noah for all that silent brooding stuff."

I nodded, "we're good, just friends."

Sam got up and walked to the door, he turned to me just before he left, "just friends, for now." He winked slyly and then exited the room before I could comment.

I rubbed my temples with my fingers, what have I signed myself up for here?

I got into bed a few minutes later and looked at the picture on my nightstand. I felt the sting of tears in my eyes. That little girl in the picture, the little girl who's eyes shine so bright and smiles like she's the happiest person in the world; the girl who believes her parents are immortal and bad things only happen in stories. That girl is gone. I refuse to spend my life depressed though. Maybe one day I'll smile like that again.


Ok so I managed to get a picture of grace up and I have one for Noah for the next update ! :)

This is SOOOOO short I know I'm sorry! Don't worry next chapter will be long with action ;) Woooh action!


What do you guys think of the cover? If anyone wanted to try designing a new one I'd definitely give it a looks!

Ten votes for update please :P sorry, comment what you think!

Song of the chapter: A Broken Jar - La Dispute

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