Seems Like a Bad Idea... Let's Do It!

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“Hey Grace do you think Josie could drive you home today?”  Sam waited, his spoon full of sugary cereal hovered under his mouth.

I nodded my head, “sure why?”

“We’re going out, obviously,” Noah replied uninterested, he didn’t look up from the book he was reading.

“Where?” My curiosity was peeked.

Sam stood up putting his dirty dishes into the sink, “we’re going over to a friend’s house to play truth or dare.”  

I gave him a weird look, “you mean the kids game? I knew you were immature but…”

From the look Noah gave me you’d have thought I was an idiot. “No smartass it’s not just for kids and our version is way more…well let’s just say it’s more intense.” His eyes sparkled and he smirked at Sam as if they were in on some secret joke I knew nothing about.

I rolled my eyes, “whatever let’s just go.” I went to the basement door and called Connor up. I stood by the front door trying to get my shoes on while the boys waited, Noah tapped his foot impatiently. “How hard is it to put on a shoe?”

Exasperated I tried desperately to wedge my foot into the shoe but ended up losing my balance and falling backwards. My head hit the floor with a bang and I groaned when I heard the amused laughter of the guys.

I looked up to see Sam holding his hand out to me “need some help?”

He was just trying to be nice I know, but I couldn’t help thinking about the kiss. I pushed away his hand and got up myself. Sam looked concerned and I just shook my head. “I’m fine,” I told him feeling warmth spread across my cheeks.

Finally I managed to get my shoes on and turned to the door, Noah was watching Sam and I, his face was straight but I could tell he was annoyed. Connor opened the door, “let’s just go already.”

When we got to school we separated immediately, I got to class just as the bell rang and then met Josie at lunch in the cafeteria.

“Hey Grace, where were you this morning?” Josie’s smile was bright, like tooth paste commercial bright.

“I had a bit of a shoe dilemma,” I apologized, “do you think you could give me a ride home today after school? The guys are going to a friend’s house to play truth or dare or something.”

We walked through the halls. “I’ll give you a ride. Wow I’ve heard about them and their friends playing, apparently a lot of unforgettable things happen.”

“Unforgettable, like what,” I was confused as to what was so interesting about a dumb kids game; I had never really enjoyed it.

“Well, I’ve heard rumors about Noah being dared to go streaking through the mall, I kind of wish I had been there when that happened.”

I tried to imagine Noah doing that and then blushed when I realized what I was trying to imagine. Josie saw and gave me a mischievous smile, “what are you thinking about?”

I tried to sound confused, “hmm what do you mean? What would I be thinking about?”

Josie winked at me “okay pretend to be all innocent, but seriously if I was living under the same roof as those guys a definitely would have made a move.” She flicked some red hair from her shoulder, “I mean come on has nothing happened?”

“Nope nothing,” I guess I wasn’t that great of a liar because Josie’s eyes lit up, “something did, tell me what happened?!”

Finally after a minute of her pestering I reluctantly told Josie about the kiss. Her eyes widened and she screamed startling a few people walking by our table.

“Shhh people are staring!”

She ignored me, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me this sooner!”

I shook my head, “really it’s nothing, like I said I told him I didn’t want to be in a relationship right now.”

Josie still looked excited, “but he said just friends for now! And he winked!! A wink! He won’t just give up he is so in love with you!”

“Seriously Josie he is not in love with me it’s probably just a little crush if anything, honestly why would he like me?”

She just shook her head and continued gushing over what a cute couple we would be.

At 3:40 I stood in the parking lot beside Josie’s purple Volkswagen Beetle.

“I can’t believe it!” Josie exclaimed her hands frantically searching her blue leather purse. “Not again, this is the second time I’ve lost my keys!”  She continued her search and turned up with nothing, even when I looked I couldn’t find them.

She shook her head in disbelief, “well, I guess I could call a cab…”

I looked around the empty parking lot, only one car left, Gabriel’s silver Maserati. I stopped Josie before she could take out her phone, “just wait we might have a ride.”

I walked over to the silver car with Josie trailing behind me. We waited for a few minutes until I saw Gabriel walk out of the school. He sauntered over to us, a smirk on his face.

“Need something ladies?” He seemed faintly amused.

I could almost hear Noah yelling at me in protest, “Yup do you think you could give us a ride?”

Josie nervously nudged me with her elbow, “um, Grace do you think the Sam and Noah would be okay with this?” She looked sheepishly at Gabriel.

I shook her off and Gabriel walked towards the driver’s door and got in, “come on.”

We entered the car, the leather seats smelled brand new and the car was impeccably clean. I sat in the passenger seat and Josie in the back.

He quickly dropped Josie off at her house, which was near the school. She got out but still lingered by the car looking worried. “Grace, want to come in?”

I shook my head no and told her I was fine. She watched the car as we drove away.

I looked over at Gabriel whose face was cool and unreadable. “Sorry for the inconvenience, I know the house is a bit far.”

He smirked, “no problem at all, do you mind if we stop by my house quickly, I have to check on something.”

I didn’t know how I felt about that but he was already going out of his way to drive me home so I nodded and smiled, “sure thing.”

We drove for ten more minutes; the only noise in the car was the radio, playing today’s top forty hits. Finally we turned down a street that led to a cul-de-sac with one large house at the end.

It was large and looked like something out of a gothic novel. Black brick made up the walls, with a black iron fence lining the property. Peculiar though, the house had no windows in the front.

Gabriel parked the car in front and told me it would only take a minute, but that I should come in since this was a bad area. I didn’t really know if it was but went in anyways, deciding to trust him. In retrospect maybe I shouldn’t have done that.


I AM SO SO SO SORRY FOR BEING GONE SO LONG! Thank you to those of you who are staying with this story omg I'm so sorry!! But I'm trying to put up Pictures of Noah and Grace... at least Noah haha, tell me if it works!

10 votes till new update please and thank you! ♥

Song of the chapter: Bones exposed by Of Mice and Men

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