Bad Boys and Bad Decisions

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The next day went by quickly and for once without any excitement. Gabriel, I noticed, was missing.  Josie was there but she had to leave at lunch, she said something about being sick. Noah too wasn’t at school; he hadn’t even left his room in the morning.

Connor said not to worry about it; I just nodded and tried to swallow past the lump in my throat

At dinner Noah ate in his room and I excused myself as quickly as possible. After a session of self-pitying I started to get angry. I mean I knew we weren’t the best of friends but ignoring me all day that was uncalled for.

I jumped up from bed in haste and stormed down the hall to his room.

“Noah!” I yelled as I banged my fist repeatedly against the door.

“Noah we need to talk!”

I stood still for a moment to listen, no answer. I kicked the door in anger, a shock of pain coursed up my foot. I jumped up and down holding my foot.

“God damn it Noah,” I grumbled, “Just answer your door please.”

I stared at the door wondering if I could burn a whole through it with my glare.

“Grace,” Noah’s voice was muffled through the door, “Go away I don’t want to talk to you.”

I opened my mouth to say something else but his music started blaring and with trembling steps I walked back to my room. Noah didn’t want to talk, fine then we wouldn’t.

Two weeks went by, Noah and I hadn’t spoken a word to each other.

The shrill of the bell met my ears. I groaned, “no no no,” I muttered as I tried desperately to stuff my books and binders into my locker.

 Lunch had finished and Josie had dragged me to the bathroom so she could tell all about a guy in her homeroom. After five minutes I finally managed to convince her that we both needed to get to class.

With a sigh I looked down at the binders that had fallen out of my locker.

“Need some help?”

I jump and turned around to see Gabriel leaning against a locker with his arms crossed relaxed.

“No I’ve got it,” I replied, as I continued to stuff the mess into my locker.

When I was done I looked and saw he was still staring at me, his eyes glinted mischievously and I ducked my head to hide a blush.

I looked up, “don’t you have to get to class?”

He smirked and walked over to me, “well, seeing as we’re both already late, want to go somewhere with me?’

“You mean like skip class?”  Doubt filled my voice. I had never skipped before and I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the idea.

“Yeah just us.”

 Gabriel walked closer, he was a good foot taller than me. “Come on Grace, I can show you around.”

I shivered when he said my name. I thought about which class I had next, English with Noah.

I smiled up at Gabriel, “sure let’s go!”

Woaah two updates in a week. I know it's short but better than waiting a long time right? What do you think? let me know, comment and vote!!

Song of the chapter: Take Over The Break's Over by Fall Out Boy

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