Creepy stalkers and teddy bear boxers

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My eyes widened looking at the muddy path Ackley had said to follow. For all I knew he was mad, and wandering into the forest would get me hopelessly lost, but the rain was coming down harder (if that was even possible), and if there was a chance the path led to where I was supposed to be I would take it. I walked up to the path and stopped at the tree line, took one last look at the deserted road, and started walking down the path before I could change my mind.

As I walked I looked around, the trees blew ferociously in the wind and the pounding rain made the ground slick. For a second I thought I heard something behind me, but when I turned back there was nothing there, I couldn’t even see the beginning of the path. I started walking again, picking up my pace.


I heard it for sure this time, who knew what animals wondered these woods. Briefly my mind flashed back to what Ackley had said, were there really murderers in here. The thought was enough to get me to stop walking and full out sprint. The wind howled in my ears and the rain continued to pelt down. Over the yelling wind I could hear more cracks and snaps, something was definitely behind me. I didn’t even bother to look back. Adrenalin filled my veins and I ran faster than I thought possible, praying I wouldn’t fall on the slippery mud. The path wound around a large tree and I just about fell but regained my balance thankfully.

I gulped down air the harsh wind stinging my throat, and I knew I couldn’t keep running for much longer. Whatever was behind me was getting louder and closer, and finally the path led to a clearing, and in the middle of the clearing stood a cabin type building, I couldn’t see very well through the rain but I knew that this was my destination. Playing on my last bit of energy I raced towards it, though as I entered the clearing I realized I couldn’t hear anything behind me anymore, I wasn’t about to stop though. I reached the cabin and climbed up the three wood steps onto the wood porch, I swung open the door- which thankfully wasn’t locked- and burst inside.

My vision was blurry from pure exhaustion and I fell back against the door gasping for air. When I could finally see and breathe normally again I stood up looking around. The floors were a glossy hardwood and the walls were painted a horrid shade of yellow. To the left there was a hall and as I looked straight ahead I realized something. I wasn’t alone.

Standing in front of me was a man; he looked to be around eighteen. He had shaggy dirty blonde hair, his facial features seemed to be perfectly chiseled out of porcelain, and his pale skin made his red lips seem vibrant. Most peculiar of all were his silver eyes. No I don’t mean grey I mean silver, they seemed to shine, I had never seen anything of the sort. It wasn’t any of that which caught my attention though; it was the fact that the only clothing he was wearing was a pair of purple boxers with little teddy bears on them. On a normal day I would have burst out laughing, but none of today’s events were normal. I didn’t know what to say and when I realized I’d been staring I felt my cheeks flush.

After another moment of awkward silence I finally decided to speak, I said something really intelligent like “what the hell.” He stared at me for another moment then looked at me with an extremely serious face, “you didn’t see anything,” his voice was low and gruff as if he had only just woken up, and I could hear the accent though it wasn’t as thick as Ackley’s. I looked at him puzzled, oh please not another crazy person, “um, what do you mean,” I said very aware of the fact that I was alone in a cabin in the middle of a forest with a total stranger.

Shock was apparent on his face, “you saw nothing. You never saw me wearing teddy bear boxers.” I was extremely confused, what did he mean. I could see him right now I wasn’t blind. “Are you okay?” I asked him, “I can see you right now, what do you mean I saw nothing?” He seemed extremely surprised, and opened his mouth as if to say something when an older man’s voice stopped him.

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