Cheerios and Confusion

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Unlike the last morning I did not wake up to the smell of bacon. On the contrary I woke up with a start to someone screaming. I ran downstairs and located the noise to the kitchen. In a rush I burst into the room- still half asleep- only to see Sam kneeling on the floor beside a spilt bowl of frosted flakes. He looked up at me and I could almost see tears in his eyes. At that moment Conner and Noah entered the room; they looked as tired as me.

“What where’s the fire!?” Noah asked looking not entirely awake.

“They’re gone. They’re all gone.” Sam moaned staring sadly at the mess on the ground.

Connor groaned, “ugh not this again.”

“Does this happen often around here?” I asked, finally able to speak. “Last week it was a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios,” Noah explained.

Sam looked hurt, “you know how I feel about my Cheerios.” “Whatever,” Conner yawned, “let’s just clean this mess up, its 6:45 in the morning.” I gaped at him, “its 6:45!? I need to go get ready!” And with that I ran up the stairs to have a shower.

It was only half way through my shower that I realized I had left the boys to clean up the mess alone. Oh well, I smirked, revenge for laughing at me yesterday. I finished my shower and got dressed. I wore a purple long-sleeved shirt and light denim jeans I had bought yesterday, and by the time I re-entered the kitchen it was 7:30.

Sam was glaring at a bowl of Rice Crispy's in front of him, Noah was making some eggs and Conner was nowhere to be seen. I walked in and, after asking Sam where the cereal was, poured myself a bowl of rice crispy's. It was all pretty quiet save for Sam grumbling to himself, “it’s just not the same.”

Finally Noah spoke up, “we should leave now, this time I’M driving.” Sam pouted, “You’re no fun.”

I made my way to the front door and stopped when I saw Conner at the top of the stairs. He looked down at me curiously, “do you think if I break my legs I won’t have to go to school?”

I laughed but before I could respond Noah- who had silently walked in- said “you’d still have to go you would heal fast.”

I looked at him confused, and he looked shocked as if he hadn’t meant to say that. He looked at me, “I mean Conner heals pretty fast, not like abnormally fast though.” Sam saved me from answering by telling us we all needed to move our asses or we would be late.

The car ride to school was mostly quiet due to the fact that Noah was driving, and he would not allow Sam to turn on the radio. After a long drive the car finally rolled up by the school. It was a large red brick building, and when I say large I mean immensly huge. One half of the school was the Junior High side where we dropped off Conner, the other half was the High school side.

Noah drove the car to the back of the school and parked in the parking lot; I exited the car and pulled my bag onto my shoulder. I stared at the school; the building had suddenly become a lot more intimidating now that I had to enter it.

“Come on!” Sam sung, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the school. Noah followed, he didn’t look too happy to be back at school.

“I won’t be in your classes because I’m a senior but you and Noah will probably share some classes!” Sam explained as we entered the building.

Noah sighed, “Great.”

“Come on Noah be nice, you know you love Grace.”

Noah rolled his eyes, “whatever, let’s just get Grace her schedule and locker.”

We walked towards the front office where a lady was sitting behind a desk on the phone. She was short and thing with a pinched face, when she saw us her face seemed to sour even more. She was on the phone and held up a finger for us to wait. Noah walked forward and leaned towards her, “now.” Was all he said, and it must have been a trick of the light but, I saw his eyes flash.

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