Chapter 11: Jade's Truth

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Perrie P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night hearing crying and screaming again, I jumped up and looked at Jade who was crying, screaming, moving, and talking in her sleep.

"L-leave us alone!! Please!! What do you want from me!?! S-stop!! Ahhh!!!" She starts to move so much she's moving the bed

"B-baby!! Baby wake up!! It's just a dream!!!" I shake her and she looks at me, she suddenly screams and falls off the bed curls up in a ball

"D-don't hurt me!!" I went over to her

"Baby... I-its just me, you don't need to be scared!! I won't hurt you. That would be the last thing I would do to you baba"

"Perrie...?" She looked up at me with tears streaming down her eyes, my heart just broke seeing her like this

"Yes, it's only me baba" I rub her back

"I-I thought you were S-Sam..." She hugged me tight

"No baba, it's just me, I won't let him hurt you ok? I won't let anyone hurt you and if they do, I will be arrested for murder"

"Th-thank you.. I love you Perrie..."

"I love you more baba, lets head back into bed and I will give you a huge cuddle"

"S-sounds good"

"Come on then" I get up and I pull Jade up, as soon as she was on her feet she hugged me really tight.

"Let me walk to the bed then" I giggle.

"We can walk like this..." She looked up at me with them big, brown, sad eyes, I couldn't resist them even if I tried.

"How about this then, jump for me" she jumps and her legs are on my waist, her arms are around my neck and her head digging into my shoulder, suddenly I felt my pyjama top getting wet then I could feel Jade's breathing go funny, I could also hear little whimpers from Jade, it broke my heart even more to be honest.

"Shhhh, it's going to be ok. Let me just put us into bed...." I walked over and leaned down to put Jade into the bed, I went to the other side of her and as soon as I was in bet and put the blanket over us and cuddled her, Jade pulled me more into her if that was even possible. She started to cry her heart out on my chest, I hated seeing her like this... I didn't know what to do... I never been in a situation like this before, but I'm trying my best to make her smile and feel like she is a princess.

"Let it all out baby, it will help, I'm here for you no matter what ok Jadey? I love you more than anything in the world" I rubbed her back and I was trying to comfort her with my words and it started to work.

"I-I don't want to lose you Perrie... Please never leave me...."

"You won't lose me... I can promise you that, I won't ever leave you ok?"

"O-ok... Thank you for everything Perrie... I love you"

"It's ok, I'm always here for you no matter what and I love you too, just try go to sleep ok?"

"I-I will try... Night"

"Night princess" I didn't want to go to sleep until I was absolutely sure Jade was asleep, a few minutes later I heard little snores coming from Jade and I smiled for two reasons, one because her snores are adorable and two because she has gone to sleep which means I don't need to worry that much. A few minutes I fell to sleep with my arm around Jade.

Jade P.O.V

I woke up in the morning with Perrie's arm around me. I really didn't want her to be scared or worried.... I feel so guilty.... But I also felt happy because I know she actually cares and loves me for being me, I never ever want to lose her. I wouldn't know what to do if I ever lost her. I would die.... I'm not even kidding.

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