Chapter 2 interesting day

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Perrie P.O.V

I came into my form class and seen two girls sitting at the back, I knew they were new because we haven't seen them before. One of the girls caught my eye and that was the girl who had a minnie mouth shirt on. She was looking at me and I gave her a little wink and I seen her go red. She looked so innocent and beautiful. As soon as I heard about the seating plan I groaned, I hoped I wasn't sitting with one of the weirdos. I was the last one standing and when mrs Gilbert said I was going to sit by the new girl who caught my eye and I smiled while saying to myself quietly

"this is gonna be fun"

When me and the new girl named Jade were introducing ourselves, mrs Gilbert said what we had to do

"Alright class!! Settle down!!! You are going to work in pairs today!!"

I looked at Jade and grinned

"Looks like we are going to work together today Jade!!" I smiled while touching her arm and I could see her blush more and I feel her getting nervous

"Y-yep!!" She gulped and we looked at our teacher

"So today we are only going to watch only a ten minute clip and we have to write what had been going on and how wouod you feel if that happen to you!!"

Mrs Gilbert turned the lights off so it was completely dark, I looked at Jade while she was looking at the board. I touched her leg and I could feel her breathe deeply, but she didn't say or do anything so I went higher and even though the room was dark, I could feel her blush. When I looked up at her I could see her bite her lip, I drew circles on her leg and went even higher. Before I could do anything else the lights went on and I could see Jade blush. I giggled a bit and we heard miss talk.

Jade P.O.V

Wow did that really just happen to me!?! When she touched me I could feel my breath be taken away and went she went even higher I felt my heart beat so fast that I thought it was going to come out. As soon as the lights went back on I heard a little giggle come from Perrie. Then we had to talk about what we seen.

"S-so Perrie.... what did you see at your point of view?"

"I seen you bite your lip and blush" she giggled "I'm kidding!!"

I giggled a bit and we were writing what we say and how would feel. I looked at my timetable and I had English I could feel Perrie over my shoulder and I could feel her breath and I had goosebumps all over me.

"Look at that!! Your in my English class!!"

I smiled and blushed "Oh cool!! S-so what are you doing in English?"

"I don't really know but..." she leaned over and whispered something my ear and she rubbed my thigh "Sit by me, love"

I slightly gasped and had goosebumps all over me again "O-ok"

She smiled and kept rubbing my thigh "I can't wait"

Soon enough we headed off to English and I sat next to Perrie at the back

"Do you always sit at the back Perrie?"

"Yep it's nice, but its nice cause your here"

Perrie bit her bottom lip and I started to blush, she looked so sexy

"Aww, sweet!!" I blushed and we sat down

Miss Tucker our English teacher came in

"Oh!! Hey new girls!! Im miss Tucker!!"

"Hey miss Tucker, nice to meet you!!"

She smiled and when everyone was silent, she told everyone to carry on what the others were doing. Since me and Jesy were new, she let us write stuff about ourselves.

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