Chapter 32 An Unexpected surprise

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*skip to a few days of exams and few days later of the celebration assembly in the school*

Perrie P.O.V

I wake up and I realize what day it is, my heart starts pumping out through my chest.

"Babe... Are you ok? I can feel your heart" Jade groans and she looks at me with really tired eyes.

"I just felt like I fell from up high , so that's how I woke up babe" I lie to her

"Oh ok, are you ok babe?" She sits up slightly.

"Mhm, I'm good babe don't worry" I smile and kiss her softly and she kisses me back "let's get dressed"

"Can we please skip school? It's our last day babe"

"Yea, we need to make the most of it ok babe?"

"Ugh fine, only for you" she gets up and we both get changed. I stare and I smile widely.

"You're so beautiful" I keep smiling and she starts blushing.

"What's got you saying that babe?" She asks and giggles.

"My princess deserves to hear some facts" I pull her into me and I kiss her softly, she kisses back.

"And my knight deserves to hear that she's beautiful too"

"Why thank you my lovely" I say in a posh way and I bend a little. She starts to giggle.

"Oh shush, cmon we have to go to school now"

"I know" I smile "it's our last day of school"

"I know, I'm so happy about that" she smiles slightly.

"Same, but I'm happier when I'm with you my princess"

"Awww, you're so lovey dovey today, it's cute like you"

"And perfect like you. Now cmon" I get our bags and we go downstairs. We say bye to my parents and we both starry to walk down to the school.

"OI" I look behind us to see Jesy and Leigh.

"Hey girls!!" Me and Jade go over and hug them.

"Last day guys!!" Leigh squeals and jumps around in excitement.

"I know it is but calm down Leigh" I laugh.

"Ok ok" she stops, but she stays smiling at me.

"Uh Pez? A little word please?" Jesy says to me.

"Oh ok, one sec. Be right back babe I love you" I kiss Jade softly and I walk with Jesy.

"Are you nervous about today?" She asks and I nod.

"Y-yea... I don't know how she will take it"

"Don't worry everything will go as planned for you Pez"

"Sure?" I play with my fingers and she nods quickly.

"Mhm, I'm sure, don't you worry about it Pez, relax"

"I'll try" I chuckle and she smiles "I can't believe I'm going to do this, I hope she'll be happy"

"She will" she smiles "now cmon lets go to school"

"Ok" I walk towards Jade and I hold her hand.

"You ok babe? What's up with you lately? You've been off for the past few days and that ain't you"

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