Chapter 22: With The Girls

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Jade P.O.V


"I'm coming for you Jade" I hear Sam chuckle


"Sam!!" I get out of the dream and jump while saying it loudly, I look at Perrie and she is still asleep "thank god" I rush to the bathroom "fuck this..." I lean against the wall and slide down and start to cry.

"Jade!?!" I look up and see Perrie.

"H-hey..." I didn't know what else to say...

"What's wrong!?!" She sits by me and I hug her with my head in her chest.


"Oh yea that's why your crying in here!!" She says in a sarcastic tone "just tell me!! Please!! If you love me!!"

"Don't play that card"

"Well it's true!!! Just tell me"

"It's j-just that... S-Sam..."

"What about him now babe?"

"I-its just that I had another dream... but it wasn't like the others... he said he was coming for me..."

"He won't!! I'm here aren't I?"

"Y-yea.." I start to shake.

"Come on babe... let's go to bed" she gets up and grabs me by the arm and pulls me up.

"O-ok... Pez?"

"Yea?" She turns around and looks at me.

"Pick me up" I put my arms out.

"Ok then" she walks over to me and rubs my thighs "jump baby, I'll catch you"

"Ok then" I jump and wrap my legs around her waist with my arms wrapped around her neck "lets get to bed" I dig my head where her shoulder meets her neck.

"C'mon then" she takes us to bed and we cuddle into bed.

"I love you Pez" I play with her one strand of hair.

"Love you too babe" we both kiss and I cuddle into hee again.

"Love you most"

"Ugh, always that isn't it?" She giggled

"Yep" I giggle and snuggle into her even more.

"I know you do" she giggles "now get some sleep" she kisses my head.

"Ok, night babe"


I then fall asleep with my head in her chest, I love how she can make me forget everything for a while.


Perrie P.O.V

I wake up and see Jade in the same position that she was in last night, her head dug into my chest and her body clinging onto mine.

"This girl" I say to myself and try and get up but I get pulled back on the bed by my waist.

"Perrie no!!" Jade groans "stay!!"

"Fine then" I smile "if you say so" I lay back on the back on the bed and cuddle up with Jade.

"All to myself" Jade giggls and cuddles into me.

"Aww, your all mine" I smile and kiss her.

"Your all mine too" we cuddle up for about five minutes and I get up.

"Come on then babe"

"No!!" She pouts.

"Come on lazy ass!! Get up!!" I pull her by her arm and she doesn't budge.

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