Chapter 27: Jade...

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Jade P.O.V

"Worthless, slut, ugly, freak, attention seeker, no life, cutter, emo, good for nothing, bitch do us a favour and just kill yourself, you deserve the worst in life and no one will miss you"

That's all I had all night in my head... it's driving me insane!!! It's been doing this for ages... I also had flashbacks of my past and they nearly gave me panic attacks... I can't take it anymore....

I just need to cut.... just a few more and then I will be fine.

"I can't take it anymore!!!" I whisper to myself and I look at Perrie "I-I can't... What will Perrie say..?" I think about it but I had to...  I run to the bathroom and lock the door and I find a hiden razor blade. I grab it and look at it for a second "just a few more to keep me going... that's all and that's it.." I say to myself. I cut but twice and on my third I cut a vain, the blood spirts everywhere "shit no!!" I try and stop it but I can't. I started to go weak so I sit by the wall and try and yell for help but I couldn't, I wasn't loud or strong enough "help" I squeak out but no one heard me. I looked at my wrist and it was covered in blood, so was the floor and the wall.

I couldn't breathe properly and that's when I saw a bright light and then I past out because I'm so weak and if how much blood I'm losing.

I thought I was going to die thinking that kinda of scaring me before I past out.


Perrie P.O.V

I wake up in the middle of the night to see Jade wasn't in bed, I felt a gut feeling that something was wrong for some reason.

"Jade?" I get up and go out of my room to see the bathroom light is on and I had a pretty rough idea what she was doing in there "Jade!!" I run and try and open the door "open the door!!" Jade didn't respond "this can't be good" I say to myself and bang the door "Jade!!" I yell. I try and knock the door down a few times but I couldn't "please Jade!! Open the door!!" I started to get scared "your scaring me Jade!! Answer me and open the door!! Please!!" I hit the door as hard as I could and suddenly the door opened and when it did I saw Jade...

"JAAAAADE!!!!!!" I scream out at the top of my lungs. She was laying down in a pool of blood... her own blood... it was everywhere....

I run to her, I go on my knees and shake her to wake her up "WAKE UP JADE!!! WAKE UP!!" I cry hard while looking at her pale face.

"Wha- JADE!!" I look at my mum.

"C-call 999!!! Now!!!"

"I'm on it!!!!" My mum goes to call the ambulance.

"Jade please!!" I cry loud, I couldn't stop crying "why Jade why!?!" I look at her wrist and it was covered in blood "give me a towel!!" My mum gives me a towel and then she keeps talking on the phone, I put it over her wrist and put my hand on it firmly so the blood might stop coming out.

She is so white... It looks like the colour is just gone out of her...  She looks dead... I'm so scared for her right now, I don't want her to die.

"The ambulance will be here as soon as they can!!" My mum said.

"Please stay with us Jade!! D-don't leave me!!" Soon enough the ambulance come in.

"What's happened!?!" One of the ambulance men said.

"S-she c-cut herself too d-deep!!" I said "h-help her!!!"

"We are, just move out of the way for us" I get up and move away from Jade, they look at Jade "what's her name?" He looks at me.

"Jade... Jade Thirlwall!!" I try and say normally.

"Ok Jade can you hear us?" they waited for a few seconds to see if she would respond but she didn't. They take the towel off to check on her arm "ok she has lost a lot of blood and we need her to get in the ambulance ASAP" they get Jade out and I follow.

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