First Date Jitters (Andy Biersack #1)

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Five minutes left of class and you were in deep thought, starring at the new kid, Andy. Two weeks ago, Andy transferred schools and you had a crush on him ever since he walked through the door. He was tall, lean, and mysterious. Never answered a question wrong in class and seemed to be gaining popularity everyday but mostly, he kept to himself.

You were in such a strong daze, you barley even notice him look over at you. You jumped realising that you've been starring this whole time and now he caught you. Your face went red. He saw your blush and gave a little smile making your heart flutter. The bell rang and you packed your stuff and left the class room. Your locker was only a short distance from the room so you quickly got there and grabbed your supplies for your next class. You closed your locker and turned quickly without looking almost running into Andy who was standing right behind the locker door. You backed up, blushing.

He smiled down at you and said, "Hey, it's (Y/N) right?"

He knows my name! He knows my name! you thought happily.

"Uh yeah." You replied, coolly. Trying to sound like you weren't as nervous as you were.

"We'll I saw you starring at me in class and I--" You cut him off.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"No, no. Don't be sorry. I just couldn't help but notice, how beautiful you are and I was wondering if you were free tonight and wanted to have dinner with me."

Was this really happening? you thought. Butterflies began to attack your stomach.

"Yeah, I'd really like that," you replied. Your voice wavered, but you didn't care.

"Great," he said, smiling. "I'll pick you up at 6, okay?"

"Okay," you said.

"See you tonight." He said walking to class.

You hurried to class. You could hardly believe that had happened. Andy Biersack had just asked you out! You had three more classes before the end of the day and a few more hours until you'd see him again. As time past, you couldn't concentrate. All you could think about was him. His smile, his laugh, and how he said you were beautiful. You were snapped out of your thoughts by your friend whispering to you.


"What?" you asked.

"I've been trying to get your attention for the past five minutes. What have you been thinking so deeply about?" she asked.

"Nothing." you replied, smiling and shaking your head.

"No! I know that look," Your friend argued, pointing a finger at you. "Your thinking about someone." You blushed and tried to hide your face with your hands. She gasped.

"Who is it? Com'on! Tell me!" She pleaded.

"Uh...You know the new kid, Andy. Well-"

"I knew it!" your friend interrupted.

"As I was saying," you said, rolling your eyes, "He asked me out a little while ago and I'm just really excited." Your friend let out a little shriek, causing the teacher to look up from her papers. You lowered your voices.

"So where is he taking you? Do you know?" she asked in a hushed voice.

"Dinner I think." You replied. The bell rang and you both arose from your desks.

"Well good luck." You friend said with a smirk. You walked through the hall and saw Andy across the hall talking with some of his friends. Once he saw you looking, he gave you a little grin causing butterflies to fill your stomach. You smiled back and walked to your locker. The next class lasted way too long, but you stayed occupied by daydreaming. Thinking about tonight and all that might happen, creating little scenarios in your head.

When the bell rang, you were more than eager to get out. Last class of the day and it was only a half an hour long. You tapped your foot with the clock in hopes it would speed up time. You became more and more anxious with each passing moment.

Soon the bell rang, you quickly grabbed your things and ran out the door. You fast walked to your locker and grabbed your backpack. After you slammed your locker door, you turned to see Andy standing by your locker again, catching you by surprise.

"I just wanted to make sure we were still on for tonight." He said. His voice gave you chills.

"Of course," you quickly replied, but immeadiatly regreted it. You didn't want to sound too eager. Andy chuckled.

"Alright, I will pick you up around six. Where exactly do you live?" You gave him your address. He repeated it to himself and smiled.

"So I'll see you then," he said softly, making your heart race. You smiled looking deeply into his beautiful eyes, You stayed like that for a moment until his friends called him over.

"I have to go," he said. Andy bent down and gave you a lingering kiss on the cheek, making your heart skipped a beat or two. He pulled away and winked at you before turning on his heel and leaving. You were speechless. After he left, you stayed there a minute trying to relive what had happened in your head.
"Wow." Your friend said, which snapped you into reality.

"How long have you been there?" You asked.

"Long enough," she replied, smirking. "You guys are cute together." You smiled towards the ground.

"Thanks, I guess," you said shyly.

"Well, come on. I'll drive you home and get you ready for your date," she said eagerly. You both left and headed to your house.


"Oww!" You shrieked.

"I'm sorry. Mascara is hard to put on another person!"

You were in the bathroom, letting your friend help you get ready for tonight. You had forty-five minutes before he would be here and you were adding finishing touches. Your friend turned you to the mirror the see yourself.

"Wow!" you said. "I should let you do my make up more often." Your friend chuckled.

"Well we still need to pick out an outfit." She said walking towards your closet. After a while of going through every article of clothing you own, you both decided on an outfit. You heard the door bell ring and jumped.

"That's him," you said nervously.

"What are you waiting for? Go out there and get your man!" Your friend shouted. You looked at her and rolled your eyes. She grabbed you by the shoulders turning you towards the door.

"Go." she commanded, shoving you out. You walked down the stairs and answered the door. Andy was standing there holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Wow!" He said handing you the flowers. "You look amazing!" You blushed furiously.

"I can say the same about you." You replied. He laughed and turned away.

Was he actually blushing?

"So... Are you ready to get going?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah," You exclaimed setting the flowers on a tablenthat sat near thr door, He took you hand and led you to the car, opening the door for you to get in. He started the car and turned on the radio. He sang with to all the songs the whole dive never missing a note. You were mesmerised by his voice. You stared at him as the sang. Every once in a while he would catch you and smile.

Soon, you pulled up to a local diner. Nothing fancy, but it had great food. He turned the car off and ran to your side of the car to open the door for you. You walked towards the entrance side by side. His hand occasionally brushed yours, which made shivers run down your spine.

Once you got inside, you seated yourselves and looked at the menu. A waitress came over and ordered your drinks. You and and Andy started off with small talk but later it advanced. You began to relax around him and him the same to you. Obviously the loudest in the diner, but you didn't care. You were with him and that's all that matters.


I'm sorry if this seems a little rushed. I have been very busy lately, but now I have some free time. So, don't forget to send in requests :)

And by the way, thank you so much for all the reads and votes! It means a lot.

Thanks for reading!

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