Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Guys? (Ryan Seaman #1)

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"That concludes our lesson for today," Mr. Syke, the calculus teacher announced in a haughty tone. "You may now use the rest time as you please." The elderly teacher simply sat in his deal before the class exploded with noise.

Unlike the others, you carefully finished the rest of the notes that were on the board, wanting to absorb as much information as possible for the upcoming tests. Although you always had a talent for math, you were still quite anxious about them. Especially since the end of the year was coming to an end.

Soon the bell rang and you were able to pack up all of your things and leave. As you were heading out the door Mr. Stark called your name. Turning around you immediately walked over to his desk.

"I have a task for you. Of course that is if your willing. In my Pre-Calculus class I have a student who is failing and possibly won't graduate if they don't improve," he explained in one breath. "They have agreed to seek tutoring. As my brightest student I was hoping that you would be able to assist them," he finished, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You already had your hands full trying to prepare for all of your other exams, but you didn't want to deny his request. You worked so hard to have a good impression that you didn't want all of that to go to waste now.

"I would be happy to, Mr. Stark," you expressed, faking a wide grin. In the back of your mind you were slowly starting to regret you decision.

"That's great," he replied, flashing you a rare smile. "I'm sure that Ryan will appreciate this deeply."

'Ryan?! As in Ryan Seaman?' you thought. It had to be him since he was the only Ryan that you knew of. He was the 'bad boy' of your grade, always causing trouble and disrupting the peace. Spending most of his lunches in detention or pulling off a new prank on the freshman, he was busy to say the least. Even through all of his shenanigans, you couldn't help falling for him. A good girl in love with the bad boy, how cliché is that?

You were so lost in thought that you hadn't even noticed that Mr. S was still explaining the situation.

"... expecting you to have focused and reasonable schedule. As well as being consistent. It may be difficult to reach through to him at first, but I have a feeling he'll warm up to you," he further explained, relaxing into the conversation a bit.

"What do you mean, sir?" you questioned, pursing your lips.

"Oh nevermind," he waved you off, returning to his usually stoic nature. "You better be off to class. I'll inform Ryan of everything and you two can later work out your schedule."

You quickly thanked him and ran to your next class. The rest of the day seemed to go by in a blur and your were dreading your first session. So many thoughts were running through your head, ' What if this is just a waste of time?' 'What if I embarass myself ?' 'His place or mine?!' Your anxiety ridden brain was becoming to much to handle. After not very much longer to school day was coming to a close and you were finally able to leave.

As you were stepping out the tall doors, you heard a deep voice call your name. You turned around and saw a wild Ryan Seaman coming towards you.

"Hey, wait up!" he called out, waving a hand through the air. 'So it was him...' you thought. He quickly caught up and ran a hand through his hair before saying another word. "So you think you can help me out?"

"I think anything is possible," you asserted, avoiding eye contact. You felt his gaze grace your already red cheeks.

"Well, do you think we can start now?" he questioned. His eagerness caught you off guard.

"Well I suppose," you responded.

"Nice. Your house it is," he declared, continuing to walk towards your car. You cocked your head in confusion, but followed him anyway. You quickly unlocked the doors and hopped in without saying a word. As soon as you started the car, Ryan cranked up the radio and began air drumming. You stared for a moment at his abnormally adorable actions.

"What?" Ryan asked, pausing his performance for a moment. You simply shook your head and began driving. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him head banging once again.


Soon you arrived at your house and quickly went inside. Thankfully your parents were staying out late tonight, leaving you with one less thing to worry about.

"Nice place," Ryan complimented, inspecting your photo covered walls, each one of them more embarrasing than the last.

"Uh thanks," you muttered, kicking your shoes off and making your way up to your room. "My room is this way." It was a moment more until you heard a pair of footsteps running behind you.

Opening your door and taking a step inside, you were able to quickly hrow the dirty clothes that were scattered across your floor into a hamper. The door creaked behind you as you were finishing the final touches on your room. Ryan walked in and dropped his things on the floor before jumping in your bed, you never noticed exactly how care free he was until this moment.

"So, what do you want to work on first?" you asked, rolling your eyes. There was almost no point in tidying things up with him around.

"Well, everything, but lately I've been having trouble with Continuity," he responded, leaning on his elbows. You nodded and grabbed his book from the floor.

Momentarily you were able to start the reteaching process. It was a long and meticulous task, but you were patient enough to help Ryan through every step of it. You could tell that he was having a lot of trouble understanding the material, yet he was able to contain his frustration. Subsequently, you were both growing tired of working and decided to take a break.

"So, how are you so bad at math?" you joked, leaning back on your bed. You look over at Ryan's face awaiting an answer.

"I'm a drummer, I can barely count passed four," he smirked, staring up at your ceiling. You could see a sad gleam in his eyes even though he was smiling.

"So, you're a musician, eh?" you questioned, deciding to change the subject. Plus you wanted to know more about him, especially if he was a musician since you've always had a thing for them.

"I'd been playing the drums for a few years now. I'd say I'm pretty accomplished," he admitted. "I'm in a band too," he added swiftly. Ryan finally met your gaze.

"Oh really? I'll have to watch one of your shows then. Hope you don't mind having one more groupie," you remarked. 'Where did all this confidence come from?' you wondered.

"I wouldn't mind," Ryan beamed, looking up at your face. The room felt as if it were getting quite hot as you gazed back into his eyes. You felt yourself gravitate towards him without any hesitation. You leaned in closer and closer until--

"(Y/N)! We're home!"


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