Oh Calamity (Alex Gaskarth #2)

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Warning: sad

Also please listen to the song if you haven't already.


A pair of slobbery lips met yours, unfamiliar hands roamed your body. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol made you want to throw up, though in your drunken haze nothing seemed to matter. You kissed back with what little you had left, but it didn't feel the same. Nothing could feel the same.

All you need was something, anything to distract you from him. But no matter what you tried or drank there was no cure for you. Nothing to change the past. How you were once treated as a queen, but now degraded to a peasant.

You could feel something bubbling up in the back of your throat, causing you to back away from the kiss. You ran as fast as you could, dodging through the dense crowd with a voice calling behind you.

The flashing lights and loud music disorienting you further, you could've sworn that you saw a familiar unwanted silouette in the crowd. You had even wanted to stop for a moment, but your stomach begged to differ.

Running into the bathroom, there was no line, which meant that there was no one to witness this shameful moment. You kneeled next to the toilet and let yourself go, hoping to be relieved of all your pain.

You heard the loud click of the bathroom door and the sound of shoes clanking on the tiled floors. The individual muttered something in a familiar voice, one that matched that of your best friend.

"Y'know, you can't keep kissing strangers and pretending it's him," your friend spoke softly, rubbing your back. You kept your head in the toliet for a moment more before leaning back on the bathroom wall.

"I know," you confessed, tears threatening to flow. "It's just--" You started, but were interrupted by your own cries. Your friend immediately reached out to you and wrapped their arms around your sobbing figure. They gently petted your head and whispered words of comfort into your ears.

You felt yourself slowly slipping away from reality as your eyes dropped closed. There was a loud pounding on the door, but you didn't really care.

After all this was just another wasted night.


A loud creak awakened you from your sleep. Your head was pounding and your eyes felt as if they were about to fall right from the sockets. You opened your eyes enough to see that it was just your roommate/friend who opened the door to your room.

"What happened last night?" you inquired, although you already knew the answer.

"Do you even need to ask?" your friend scoffed, handing you a glass of water and pills. You sat up and quickly gulped them both down. "It's the same thing every night now. Don't you think this is getting a little old?"

"I'm just not ready--"

"Ready?! It's been months, (Y/N). You have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. I know it hurts, but you can't let it ruin the rest of your life. You can find someone. Someone who--"

"That's the point. I don't want anyone else!" you interrupted. Your friend shook their head in disapointment.

"I don't have time for this. I'm going to work. Please try to do something useful today," they requested dryly, retreating from your bed side. You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your comfortable bed. Oh how even the sound of his simple 'hello' would would being you back to life. You grabbed your phone before realising that there was no way you could do that, no matter how much you tried to convince yourself.

You sat until you heard your front door slam shut. Then you got out of bed and realised that you were still in your "party clothes" from the previous night as well as smelling like a 10-month-old garbage can. You decided to take a quick shower.

Walking into the bathroom you looked into the mirror and noticed that there were massive dark circles around your lifeless eyes, making you look older than what you are. And your hair was in a rat's nest formation, to put it lightly.

"No wonder he left me," You whispered to your reflection. You felt your heart drop, but you were way passed the point of tears. You quickly got in and out of the shower before starting your quest to find something to cure your massive hangover, since nothing in your fridge seemed appealing.

Stumbling out of your appartment you began the trek to the nearest StarBucks. You soon arrived and were able to order your favorite drink fairly painlessly. You took a seat and began sipping contently on your drink, while scrolling through your phone for any available jobs.

As you awaited for your phone to update, you looked around the familiar coffee shop and the unfamiliar faces. Until one in particular stuck out in the crowd.
It was him.

The one who had made the last few months of your life a living hell. The one you moved across the country to be with. The one you put everything aside. The one that you would do anything for. The one who stole your heart and ripped it into a million tiny pieces. Your only true love.

Alexander. William. Gaskarth.

You must have been staring for too long because he glanced back towards you, but you quickly broke eye contact. You were so deep in shock that you couldn't decide whether to run away or remain calmly in your seat.

You continued staring at you drink, watching as your hands tremble with anxiety. You saw a shadow approach you out of the corner of your eye.

"Do you mind if I sit?" the angelic voice asked.

"No," you replied, gazing out the window. He pulled out the chair across from you and sat down. The familiar heavenly scent of your past lover wafted into your nose.

Glancing at his face, you noticed that he was in about as bad of shape you were. He had dark circles around his eyes and his skin was as pale as winter's snow. You could see clumps of snarled hair poke out the sides of his beanie.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry. What I did was wrong and I was an idiot for putting you through that," Alex croaked. You didn't know how to respond. "I don't expect your forgiveness, but I want to start over," He begged. You thought a moment before responding.

"Alex, I can't. When you said that we were over--"


"No. Let me finish. That killed me. You were my first love. My first kiss. My first everything. And you just threw that away. I'm sorry, but I can't,"

And at that moment you saw the life leave his beautiful eyes, even though he wasn't dead. You wanted to take back your words, but it was too late.

You stormed out of the shop as Alex called after you. His calls just made you want to run faster.
Now your back where you started.

As strangers.


I have started a part two for this of you guys are interested that might have a happier ending (who knows?) So please don't hate me.

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