High School Sweet Hearts (Gerard Way #1)

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One day you were sitting watching the teacher drone on about something. You didn't care, you just wanted to get out of this hell-hole they call high school. As you stared out the window the teacher started to call out names for a project.

"Now the partners are going to be Steve and Mary, Larry and Grace, Gerard and (Y/N)..." As soon as you heard your name called your heart started racing. You had been in love with Gerard ever since he moved here during your freshman year. He was a mystery. During lunch, he was always found alone doodling in the notebook that he carried everywhere with him. He only talked when he was asked a question by a teacher, which he always answered correctly. You were snapped out of your thoughts when you felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Gerard sporting a black leather jacket, dark jeans, and converse---

"So... I guess we're partners." he said with his soft, raspy voice. You heart beat quickened as you made eye contact.

"Yeah," you said. You looked at the clock and saw that there was only 1 minute left.

"We could start working at my house tonight. If you want." he said.

"That'd be great," you said, smiling. The bell rang as soon as the words left your lips.

"Great. Meet me at the flagpole after school." he smiled cutely.

You both packed your things and headed your separate ways. During your last period you felt yourself grow more anxious as each minute seemed to fly by. You foot tapping began to quicken as the seconds passed. Only 12 minutes left until school was over. You tried to pay attention to the birds outside that were flying about the courtyard, but nothing could keep your thoughts off of the possibilities for tonight.

Those minutes had quickly came and gone in what felt like seconds. As soon as the last bell of the day rang you packed up your things and rushed into the bathroom. As soon as you walked in you saw your friend, (F/N), checking her hair. You walked over to the mirror right next to her and started to freshen up your makeup. You had calmed down a little bit. After you were done, you turned to her.

"What happened? You look nervous." she asked you.

"Well, tonight I'm supposed to go to Gerard's house to work on the project and you know how much I like him. And I don't know what I should say or do. I just don't know. Oh my god, do I look okay? What sho-" you were cut off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... You got a date with Gerard! (Y/N) got a date with Gerard! (Y/N) got a date with Gerard!" (F/N) sung rather loudly, causing some girls to stare. You covered her mouth and smiled apologetically as they left the bathroom. You carefully removed your hand from her mouth.

"It isn't a date. We just have to work on this project. I'm sure that he doesn't like me anyway." you said angrily, feeling a slight pang of hurt in your heart as the last sentence left your lips.

"Aww... Come on. I've caught him staring at you in history. He totally likes you." She said with a huge grin.

"Whatever." you said, rolling your eyes and blushing a little.

"It's true. Now, go out there and be yourself." she said, pushing you out the door.

"Wait, what about you? How are you going to get home?" You asked.

"Don't worry. (R/N) is driving me home. Now go get your Loverboy!" (F/N) said pushing you out the door. Surprisingly, that only took a few minutes. You walked out of the school to see Gerard leaning against the flagpole with his arms crossed. Your heart started racing as he looked up at you.

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