A Night At the Cinema (Tony Perry #2)

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This one is for Obession_with_bands. Thanks for requesting!


You were busy getting ready for your "date" with Tony. You weren't sure if you would call it a date though, since a few of your friends were tagging along. You were kind of upset, but you thought that it would be a of fun anyway.

"Charlie! Are you ready, yet?" one of your friend's called from outside the door.

"Give me a second!" you yelled back.

"You better hurry up or we'll leave you," your other friend threatened.

"Calm down. I'm ready," you said, walking out of the bathroom to see all of your friends standing outside the door.

"Took you long enough," (F/N) remarked.

"Oh, shut up," you said, walking towards the door. They all followed close behind and walked to (F/N)'s car. And hopped into the passenger side.

"Where's Tony and the rest of the guys?" you asked, once the rest of your friend's got in.

"Jamie and Mike are busy. So, Vic and Tony are meeting us there," (F/N) said, turning up the radio.

"Whoo! This is my jam!" your friend shouted, turning up the radio a little louder. You all began to sing along. The ride to the cinema wasn't very long. After you arrived, you all jumped out of the car and raced to the entrance. Once you were inside you saw Tony and Vic standing near the concession stand. Vic looked deep in thought as he eyed the delicious treats.

"Hey, guys!" your friend shouted. Tony turned around and smiled at you before nudging Vic. Who also smiled and waved. You and the rest of your friends jogged to meet up with them. You all exchanged few friendly hugs and greetings.

"So, what are we seeing?" Vic asked.

"I really want to see The Gallows. How 'bout you guys?" your friend said.

"Sounds good," Tony said, noddind.

"Sure," you replied shakily.

"Don't worry, Charlie. If you get scared Tony will hold you," your friend teased, making you blush.

"Shut up, I don't get scared," you said, punching your friends arm.

"Sure," your friend said, smirking. There wasn't a very long wait to get your tickets and snacks. So, soon you were in the theatre awaiting the beginning of the movie you were dreading to see. You didn't want to make a complete fool of yourself in front of Tony, even though you weren't sitting next to him. No, (F/N) was sitting next to him and making you quite jealous. They were talking in hushed tones, making you frown. What could they be talking about?

"Hey, Charlie," your friend whisper-screamed, "Can you switch seats with me?" (F/N) said, pointed at the giant who sat in front of them.

"Sure," you whispered back, calmly, but on the inside you were doing your happy dance. You stood up and tried to gracefully maneuver around Vic's knees, but failed. Causing you to fall on his lap. You blushed and mumbled a few apologies before regaining your composure. You could hear your friends giggling behind you. You gave Tony a small smile and sat in the seat, but didn't say anything. You looked over at your friend's, who were still laughing, and glared at them.

The movie began and you were a little creeped out, but it was nothing too bad. And just when you thought you weren't going to get scared at all that's when everything started to go downhill. Fast. You're heart was racing and your palms started sweating. There were a few times were you had to look at the ground to destract you.

Tony noticed how tense you were and gave you a reassuring smile before taking your hand in his. His thumb brushed over the back of your hand in a very comforting way, but that didn't help your racing heartbeat. By the end of the movie, you were practically sitting in Tony's lap.

"Are you ready to go?" Vic asked, standing up.

"Uh, we'll stay a little longer," Tony replied. You furrowed your eyebrows and cocked your head.

"Okay, see you later?" Vic asked, to which Tony nodded.

"Have fun," your friend said. They winked before turning away.

"But not too much fun," you other friend said, giggling and following (F/N).

"What are we doing?" you asked. You were still very confused.

"Well, I heard that after the credits there are some deleted scenes or something," Tony said, scratching the back of his neck. You weren't buying it, but decided to play along. You two talked for a bit and you were having a great time.

"I think it's coming up," Tony said, pointing at the black screen.

"What? I don't see anything-" you gasped. On the screen it said, "Charlie, will you be my girlfriend?" You looked over at Tony who had a nervous smile on his face.

You grinned and tried to hug him, but the arm of the chair was making it very difficult.

"Yes!" you yelled, standing up. Tony smiled and held you close. You pulled away for a moment just to be met with his lips. The sparks you felt were indescribable. This was one of the best moments of your life so far. You were so happy, nothing could wipe the silly grin off your face. This was the beginning of an amazing relationship.



I hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for reading!

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