Chapter 10

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The next day, Yao woke up early and started getting ready for work. He finished rather quickly, so he still had an hour and forty minutes till he had to go.

"Why do I keep on doing this, aru?" he asked himself, then sighed "I guess I'll have plenty of time to clean my station."

So, he left for work. He didn't want to lounge around at home, ruining his uniform that he had ironed. Well, yes, he could take it off, but that'll be tiresome.

He rode there on his bike. Honestly, he liked going to work really early in the morning. He woudn't have to worry about getting hit by the tons of vehicles on the street, nor the huge amount of pollution in the air they leave while they drive by.

Getting there, he left his bike at the bike rack and entered through the back door. As he thought, almost no one was there. The only people there were the restaurant owner, Mr. Vargas, and two very sleepy Italian brothers, who were his coworkers and Mr. Vargas' grandsons.

The older brother silently cursed, saying how he hated being woken up this early. The younger had his eyes closed as usual, muttering sleepy 've's as he leaned on his brother. Yao approached them.

"Zao an," he greeted as he bowed.

The two finally noticed him.

"Buongiorno," said the elder brother.

"Buon...." the younger yawned. "......giorno, Yao..." he got up and hugged Yao.

The younger brother, Feliciano Vargas, was a rather affectionate young man. He was usually super bubbly and bouncy, rapidly talking about Italian foods, cute girls, and his friends. He and Yao would talk for brief periods of time, only because Kiku was one of those friends he had.

The elder brother, Lovino Vargas, just watched in silence. He was a bitter young man and acted as if he hated almost every man he met. Though, he's nice to women and flirts with them, as well as Feliciano. He's also quite possessive of his brother and loves him very much, but doesn't show it often. Neither does the younger notice.

Yao awkwardly pushed Feliciano off. He was glad he didn't do that Italian greeting where'd they'd kiss you on both cheeks. The first time he and his grandfather did that, they got a wok to their heads.

"How was your vacation?" asked the younger Vargas, his sleepiness seeming to leave him.

"I guess it was fine, aru," was the answer.

"How is Kiku? Ve~ do you think he'll start working here~?" and so, returns his bubbly demeanor.

"I haven't asked. I'm sorry."

"It's alright~!"

So ended another of their short conversations. Yao once again bowed at them and went off to clean his station.

As time passed, more of his coworkers arrived. They greeted him with "good morning"s and "welcome back"s and just went to doing their own thing.

The restaurant they worked in was packed. It was another busy day, but he had fun cooking so it was no problem. Though, he wished Ivan were there, then it would be even better.


The day went by longer than he expected, and he was tired.

"I'm so worn out, aru," Yao said to himself, wiping his brow with his sleeve.

"Ve~! Yao~!" Feliciano called out as he ran to him.

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