StarClan's Blessing and Curse

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The pink-haired teen Trina barged downstairs.

"Corey, I-huh?"

Trina looked at the shining rug. She tilted her head.

A magical rug? Did those losers go on an adventure without me?!


Trina ignored Mina and stepped on the rug. She felt her body disappearing.

"What is going on-" Trina was cut off when she vanished.

"TRINA I'M COMING!" Mina ran on to the rug to follow her.

In a patch of grass, eight cat bodies were sprawled out. They were breathing steadily. From the sky, four cats with stars in their pelts came and circled around the unconscious bodies.

"We must guide them." said one of the cats.

"But there are only four of us, we can only relive in four of these bodies." another cat said.

The four cats chose the bodies to relive in, and three of them went in three of the bodies. Just before the fourth cat of StarClan was about to enter, a cat from the Dark Forest pushed the cat aside and went into the body.

"NO!" the fourth cat yelled. "DON'T GO IN HER BODY!"

The fourth cat lunged to sink its claws into the Dark Forest cat's pelt and prevent it from entering the body, but it was too late.

"Oh no, this IS ALL MY FAULT!" the fourth cat sobbed. "NOW A EVIL CAT WILL WALK AMONG THUNDERCLAN!"


The fourth cat turned around to see a blue-gray she-cat glaring down at him.

"I'm sorry, Bluestar!" the fourth cat wailed. "It was her! She went into one of the bodies!"

"Oh no..." Bluestar had a grave look in her eyes. "Sweetpaw! I give you a second chance to live and you LET THIS HAPPEN!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Sweetpaw wailed.

Bluestar walked up to her and placed her blue paws around Sweetpaw's neck.

"Sorry's not enough."

The last thing that was heard was a snap.


Corey felt groggy, he felt grass beneath his-


Corey got up and saw a lake, he walked up to it and saw he had dark blue fur. And a tuft of orange fur on his head.


Corey turned to Laney's voice. She was stunning. She had a sleek body, along with red fur and emerald eyes. Kin and Kon were white cats with black patches, only Kon was a much bigger cat.

"We're cats...KON, YOU IDIOT!" Laney pounced on Kon and started kicking him.

"OW! STOP IT, OW!" Kon yelped. Kin turned around and his jaw dropped.

"Please don't tell me you guys are-"

"The Newmans" Carrie said. "Unfortunately, we are."

Carrie was a tall slender she-cat with blue fur, while Larry was an orange tom with red stripes. Kim was a brown tabby while her sister Konnie was a cream-colored she-cat with white splotches.


"I do not!" Larry protested in a childish tone.

"Yes, you do." Carrie walked up to Larry. "The readers are probably squealing over you now."


"Nothing." Carrie replied. "I could throw a Santa hat on you if I had one."

"Wait, how did you guys get here?" Corey asked.

"Do you spy on us?" Kin asked.

"Every day?!" Laney looked at the Newmans, weirded out.

"Uh...look! Berries!" Carrie rushed over to a nearby bush and plucked a berry off and-


Carrie spat the berry out of her jaws and saw a gray tom with clear blue eyes.

"PROTECTION CIRCLE!" Konnie shoved Kim behind her, Laney wrapped her tail protectively around Corey's, and Larry jumped in front of Carrie and the gray tom.

"Wait, that's Jayfeather!" Kon shouted.


"He's a blind tom that was one of the Three!" Kon rushed over to Jayfeather. "It's so nice to meet you after all this time!"

"Who are you?" Jayfeather muttered. "What are...oh, you better not be kittypets!"

"We're not!" Kon said. "We were twolegs that turned into cats!"

"...what?" Laney stared confused at the two toms.

"I'm with Laney on this, what are you two talking about?" Corey stared at Kon and Jayfeather.

"I know about you guys, they don't." Kon said smiling.

"OK..." Jayfeather's ears perked up. "Border patrol."

"Can we join ThunderClan?" Kon squealed.

"WHAT?!" Carrie snapped. "I-"


Carrie tensed up as she felt a pelt press up against her's.

"I'm Stormcloud." the gray tabby tom purred. "And you are...?"

"Er, Carrie" she felt her heart beat fast.

"Ow!" Larry felt a cat bump into him.

"Oh sorry for my mentor, Dovewing." a small dark gray she-cat said, ushering a lighter gray she-cat away. "She's always bumping into other cats, I'm Fernpaw."

"Uh..." Larry looked to see a tom close to his crush. "HEY! GET AWAY FROM HER!"

Larry attempted to charge at Stormcloud, but he was so short he went past Stormcloud's belly and ran into Carrie.

"Who are these guys?!" a brown and cream tom muttered.

"Rogues, by the looks of it. This big fluffy one asked if they could join ThunderClan." Jayfeather explained.

The four border patrol cats looked at the group. There was a tense feeling in the air, as if suspense would eventually-

"I like waffles!" Konnie said.


The rug sat on the floor, little bits of magic still coming from it.

A tall boy with wavy brown hair walked in the garage.

"Ah, Nick Mallory thinks this rug needs a little love!" the boy said. He sat on the rug and rubbed it.

"There, there" Nick said. "I know how you feel."

Nick felt himself disappearing.

"Hmm? You taking me somewhere, little rug?" Nick shrugged. "Well, just go with the flow. Teleport away!"

And with that, the handsome boy had disappeared.

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