Skydawn: Moons of Torture

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Two moons later

Carrie was slumped across the warrior's den alone, the five new apprentices running eagerly across camp in her sight.

Firepaw trotted alongside her new mentor Laney, Badgerpaw and Dustpaw ran with Kon and Kin, Meadowpaw was apprenticed to Sorrelshine. And Burdenpaw was apprenticed to the only tom who wanted to mentor him, Corey.


"Get out here!" Bramblestar snarled at the spooked Burdenkit. Laney snapped at the leader for being so mean, her new apprentice Firepaw defending him as well.

"Daughter, you will learn to hate him." Bramblestar meowed. "Trust me."

"I don't understand you!" Firepaw wailed. "He didn't do anything!"

"So I don't expect anyone to want to apprentice this burden to the Clan." Bramblestar growled. "Which leads to me asking what're we going to do with it."

"He's not an 'it'!" Laney hissed.

"I'll apprentice him!" Corey blurted out.

Bramblestar turned towards him and glared.

"You're too kind." Bramblestar growled. "No one's making you right?"

"Nope!" Corey replied cheerfully. "I want to mentor him!"

"...very well." Bramblestar whispered. "Burdenkit, you will now be called Burdenpaw. Soulblaze, try not to kill yourself over the little brat."

Burdenpaw leaped to Soulblaze and touched noses with him.

"That's OK, right?" Burdenpaw asked.

"What's OK?" Corey asked.

"Touching noses?" Burdenpaw explained. "Bramblestar said that if I did that I'd give cats greencough."

"He's probably just kidding!" Corey purred. "Let's go look around camp!"


Carrie was angry without an apprentice, and was surprised Kim was fine with it. However she was bitter over a decision Konnie made that shocked all of the former Grojband and Newmans. She revealed two moons ago that she was expecting kits with Kon.

Carrie remembered being very outraged and storming off, and she ignored her former bandmate ever since.

Dovewing was swollen with kits due any sunrise now, and Daisy had her kit one moon early: a dark grey tom with a white chest named Smokykit.

Have fun with that Konnie.

Carrie got up to go on patrol and bitterly thought about how every Newman except her had succumbed to the ways of ThunderClan. Kim had begun seeing Thornclaw, Konnie was expecting kits...

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