Sheeppaw: Secrets on the Moor

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"Get off me, I'll return to my Territory!" Mina yelled a reenactment.

"What're you doing?" Kon whispered.

"Just play along!" Mina growled. "I need to get back home!"


"OFF!" Mina slashed Kon's nose open and he cried out, Mina jumped out from under him and bolted to the moor, leaving Kon speechless in front of his friends.

Mina kept running in the cold of night, stopping because she thought she heard the howling of dogs, but stopped to realize that one of Heathertail's kits was watching her.


His dark brown fur almost made him camouflage, but Mina saw his amber eyes looking at her in curiousity.

"Oh, uh, this isn't what it...looks like." Mina whispered.

"You snuck out of camp!" Cedarkit chirped in surprise.

"SHH!" Mina gasped, mentally pleading that he didn't wake up any of the warriors. "C'mon, let's get you back to Heathertail."

Mina hurried over to Cedarkit and nudged him in direction of the burrow.

Mina ran into the apprentice's den and saw Onestar and several of his warriors return from a border patrol.

"Bramblestar hasn't shown up." Onestar said to his mate Larkwing as she attempted to leave the Nursery. "Our kits will be safe, I promise."

This was enough to send Larkwing back into the Nursery to her mewling kits.

Mina smiled remembering the cat fuzz on their ears, and how Larkwing was really proud of bearing the leader's kits.

She remembered bitterly how Whitetail passed only a moon ago, getting to see Heathertail's kits grow and never having to see Onestar's litter...

Mina saw Larkwing crawl out of the Nursery, probably to get herself checked by the two medicine cat toms. Mina watched from a short distance while eating a mouse and noticed that Kestrelflight was out and his apprentice Sparrowpaw was giving herbs to Whitetail.

Huh, both of Onestar's mates in need of the medicine cat Mina thought.

"You might need some of-" Sparrowpaw was saying to the aging she-cat before she was cut off by Larkwing

"Sparrowpaw, I need you to check on the kits. I threw up at least twice today." Larkwing demanded. "We can't both fit in here, Whitetail."

"Please Larkwing." Whitetail sighed, clearly in no mood to fight. "I just need to receive some advice and herbs to treat my whitecough-"

"You gonna chose the old hag the leader used to get it on with or the new cat the leader is currently getting it on with?" Larkwing hissed, Mina winced at the she-cat's biting remark.

"Uh...Onestar!" Sparrowpaw called out desperately.

"What is everyone watching in the medicine cat's den?" Trina muttered. "I can even manage my way around this stupid camp without bumping into some cat watching the show!"

"Both Onestar's mates are arguing." Crowfeather muttered. "Stupid Larkwing fighting for such petty things like kits."

"What is going on?" Onestar growled at the big crowd around the apprentice's den.

"Your mates are fighting for attention of the medicine cat." Oatwhisker growled beside Crowfeather.

"Out Whitetail!" Onestar snapped, shocking the crowd.

"But she still needs-"

"Larkwing comes first!" Onestar said firmly to Sparrowpaw. "Are you fox-brained?! She's expecting my kits!"

"The leader's word is the warrior code." Sparrowpaw sighed. "Whitetail, please leave without argument."

Whitetail looked at the medicine cat apprentice in disbelief and walked out, trying to avoid Larkwing's smug look.

"What...what can I help you with Larkwing?" Sparrowpaw sighed.

Mina stopped listening and looked on as Whitetail crawled back to the elder's den, a cough followed. Mina was shocked, and certain that Whitetail's days were numbered, especially if Onestar kept interferring with her health.


"Whitetail, you sure Onestar won't kick you out for visiting your grandkits?"

"Sheeppaw, I'm glad for your concern. But I have greencough now, so I must visit them one last time." Whitetail assured Mina.

Mina saw the events happen in a flash, Onestar blocked Whitetail right away as she tried to enter the den, argument broke out. One moment, Onestar was shouting how his mate, daughter, and her daughter's kits would catch greencough, and another Whitetail was crying out to see her grandkits one last time.

Onestar finally lost his patience and swung a heavy blow to Whitetail's head.

Whitetail fell, and Kestrelflight pawed her body and confirmed her dead.

Unlike Breezepelt, who has been dead for moons, Onestar would live and walk an unpunished tom. He would get to see his kits and Larkwing would get to have them without Whitetail getting in the way.

The sun had risen, and Mina woke up.


She turned around and saw it was Harespring, she had also noticed that Trina wasn't with her, which must mean that she woke up earlier than Mina for a change.

Mina just hoped she wasn't in trouble.

"Your mentor would like to talk to you, she says it's a pretty serious matter." Harespring explained. "Follow me."

Mina felt like crying. How could my own mentor figure out that I've been seeing Kon?!

Mina reluctantly got up and followed Harespring across the moor till they reached Furzepelt. Her face was unreadable.

"Um...Furzepelt? What is it?"

Please let it be about something else, please let it be about something else...

"I've talked with Onestar, and I decided your final assessment will be held today."

Wait?! Really?!

"You're going to make me a warrior?!" Mina gasped, holding in all sorts of excitement from bursting.

"If you pass the assessment as you've done all your training, with flying colors." Furzepelt let a little smile show.

"But what about Tr-I mean Falconpaw?" Mina asked.

"She's far behind on her training." Harespring growled with resentment. "She may need another moon or two before she's ready."

"Grab yourself some fresh-kill, Sheeppaw." Furzepelt meowed. "And rest a little, because when I wake you up, you'll be in for a big surprise."

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