First Day of Training

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A roar emitted throughout the cave walls from the waterfall...

Inside the cave were several cats staring, they had grave looks on their faces.

"Bluestar..." a silver and black tabby said. "I know you are angry."

"Sweetpaw let me down, all the Clans are in grave danger!" Bluestar snapped. "She killed you, Silverstream! That cat that entered her body killed you!"

"She killed many other cats too..." Silverstream sighed. "You're right, Bluestar. This is terrible, but there's nothing we can-"

"We can send an omen!"

"It doesn't work that way, Oakheart!" Bluestar snapped. "The Clans are doomed, for she is in ThunderClan."

"Wake up, lazy-bones!"

Laney felt the light tickling her nose as her eyes fluttered open to see Fernpaw.

"It's your first day of training!"

Laney remembered before her and the others went to sleep, their mentors had given them a tour of everywhere around them. Afterwards, Kon had introduced every Clan cat to them.

"Of course it is." Laney muttered. "Where's Core-er, Soulpaw?"

"Bramblestar took him on a hunting patrol." Fernpaw replied. "Whitewing's waiting for you."

Laney got up and stretched out, she yawned and felt something nudge her ankle.

"Stop kicking me, Laney." Carrie's voice growled. "I'm trying to sleep."

"You have to get up as well, I'm sure your mentor has something in store for you!" Fernpaw purred.

"That no-good kittypet?!" Carrie snarled. "She's been chewing cat food all her life!"

Fernpaw and Laney looked at her both in horror.

"Are you OK, uh...Skypaw?" Laney whispered. "You don't so too good."

"None of you have ever cared for the Newmans!" Carrie spat, but not loud enough to be heard by the other apprentices. "Why start now?!"

"Cause we have to sleep in the same den!" Laney growled. 'I do not have time for this!"

Laney stormed off, leaving Carrie alone.

Laney lashed her tail after leaving the den, she smelled something...odd.

Smells...a little weird at that, it looks like it's coming from there!

Laney stalked outside of camp, the smell get stronger. She froze.

"Uh-sorry! I-"

"It's fine."

Laney had caught Bumblestripe and Rosepetal...mating.

"Sorry, I just smelled something and-" Laney ducked her head. "Where's Whitewing?"

"Dunno" Bumblestripe answered.

"Oh, OK. Thanks." Laney fast-walked out of there. She saw her mentor sprawled out in the sun.

"Whitewing!" Laney called. "I'm ready!"

"Oh!" Whitewing got up and walked over to her. "I forgot that I had an apprentice! You ready, Adderpaw?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Laney replied. Whitewing beckoned Laney over to her with a flick of a tail.

"We learn hunting."


Corey felt his muscles extend as he sprinted at full speed, a plump rabbit ahead of him. He felt relentless driving him through.

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