Ivypool: Final Moments

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I look down at my kits, now a half-moon old. Meadowkit sits and has started talking to Rosepetal and Lilyheart in anticipation of their kits coming. Bravekit smiles and loves hanging out with Firekit.

Bravekit looks like them, but he has a much bigger heart.

Adderpaw comes with prey to the Nursery always, making sure that I'm OK and well.

Wasn't really, but I couldn't tell her that.

Bramblestar still looks for the killer of Squirrelflight, but he'd never guess that I hired two rogues to kill Squirrelflight in exchange for both mating with me.

I essentially killed Squirrelflight.

Three and a half moons later

"Fernleaf! Sorrelshine! Hollypetal!"

Bramblestar shouted as Lionblaze and Cinderheart looked on with pride of their three daughters. While Cloudtail and Poppyfrost looked on happily, my sister Dovewing looked depressed and hurt as usual.

She hadn't felt well ever since she found out Tigerheart and Ivytail became mates two moons ago, showing their love at the Gathering and Rowanstar announcing Ivytail expecting kits. Also in RiverClan, Duskfur bore a son named Plumpkit and Havenheart bore three daughters:Reefkit, Seakit, and Algaekit. Onestar's new mate Larkwing had two she-cats and a tom: Thrushkit, Wrenkit, and Acekit.

Also, Mistystar is expecting kits as of two moons ago and Featherfall of WindClan is too as of one moon ago.

Many things have happened in ThunderClan, Rosepetal had Sunkit and Vixenkit and Lilyheart had Jumpkit, Creekkit, and Sandykit. Bumblestripe looked at his son and daughter with pride and Dovewing had become slower and slower.

I felt a little bad, the old me would have tried to save her.

My heart is hollow now, I only feel for Adderpaw and my kits. Them three truly make me happy.

Squirrelflight's kits and mine were weaned about two moons ago and Daisy has moved in back to the Nursery.

Sunkit was a golden tom that had his father's green eyes, Vixenkit was a red-orange she-kit with white ears and paws, Jumpkit was a pure black tom, Creekkit was a gray she-kit with black stripes and green eyes, and Sandykit was a pale orange she-kit.

Dovewing had gone from depressed to insane in the last Gathering.

Ivypool was allowed to go to the Gathering, she spoke no words to her sister

"Sunkit and Vixenkit are so cute!" Kim purred. "Thanks for letting me see them, Bumblestripe!"

"No problem. I look forward to having two warriors I can be proud of." Bumblestripe replied.

Dovewing lashed her tail in anger and ran ahead of everyone.

Ivypool noticed Bramblestar didn't even try and stop Dovewing, he looked on with depression.

Corey bounced eagerly to Laney's side and they talked the whole way there.

The Gathering soon started and Dovewing was growling and twitching. Her bloodshot eyes darted from Bumblestripe to Tigerheart, Ivytail, and Ivytail's plump belly.

Thornclaw remained by Bramblestar's side till Bramblestar jumped onto his branch. He didn't even help pregnant Mistystar up, so Reedwhisker helped her instead.

The Clan leaders began with their announcements. Rowanstar purred at his son and Ivytail, and Dovewing lost it.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Dovewing roared. "I saved you all from the Dark Forest, and what do I get?! This fox-brain leaves me for some piece of squirrel fur and this two-timer knocks up Ivytail?!"

Dovewing sprinted till she was up in Ivytail's face.

"They're not even his kits, are they?!" Dovewing snapped. "Little wh-"

Tigerheart slammed Dovewing away from Ivytail and that only made her angrier.

"I'M EXPECTING KITS!" Dovewing bellowed. "They're Tigerheart's!"

The Gathering exploded into chaos.

"Tigerheart? Is this true?" Ivytail asked softly.

"No." Tigerheart growled. "I stopped loving her moons ago, it wouldn't even be possible."

"Those kits are mine." Thornclaw growled. "Dovewing, you promised you wouldn't use these kits to destroy any relationships."

"That's the only reason I had them!" Dovewing spat.

The Gathering was dismissed early, Dovewing gone back to weak and hurt. Her tail trailed in the dirt till it was cluttered with it.

I've been sharing the Nursery with four queens and ten kits and the crowded Nursery made me depressed each sunrise. Dovewing made the Nursery environment much more negative, crying about Bumblestripe, Tigerheart, and even sometimes Thornclaw.

Daisy had moved back to the Nursery and Bramblestar was ready to kick her out after Dovewing moved to the Nursery. As revenge, she left camp and revealed a half-moon later that she was expecting kits as well.

Bumblestripe, Mousewhisker, Thornclaw, and eventually Bramblestar started contributing to building extra room in the Nursery.

I yawned as I spotted the sun rising, I decided to go for a walk near the WindClan border.

I never should have.

The first thing I saw was the fathers of my kits fighting Bramblestar.

"You killed my mate!" Bramblestar roared, digging his claws into the smaller rogue, Slicer.

"So, she asked us too!" the bigger one, Edgar, growled.

He pointed a sharp claw in my direction and Bramblestar flung himself at me.

"GET OFF!" I snarled, shoving my leader off of me. I was near the river border being stared at by the three toms.

"How's our kits?" Edgar growled tauntingly. "Meadowkit?"

"Bravekit?" Slicer sneered. "Pathetic little scraps will die before next leaf-fall."

"Ivypool. You're going to die." Bramblestar turned to face Edgar and Slicer. "But you two go down first!"

Bramblestar leaped once more at Slicer, but Edgar shoved him off of Slicer and onto to me.

Bramblestar turned around to face me and unsheathed his claws.

"They're getting away!" I growled. "Take them, not me!"

Bramblestar laid his claws on my throat and I closed my eyes.

"Promise my kits will stay in ThunderClan." I meowed softly. "Give my thanks to Adderpaw, please."

"What for?!" Bramblestar snarled. "You killed the she-cat that I've loved for many moons!"

"They did." I hissed. "Those rogues."

"I promise." I was shocked that Bramblestar said that. "But Bravekit will not be Bravepaw, his name will be changed.

I attempted to scream, but Bramblestar was quicker, and I soon fell in a pool of my own blood.

Every part of me was shutting down, I knew this was death.

Thank you, Adderpaw, for being my only friend.

I pray in StarClan's name that Meadowkit and Bravekit will make it through this hard time.

Goodbye, my sweet kits...

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