Sheeppaw and Bigpaw: The Reunion

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"Ugh! These cats are so stupid!"

Trina gritted her teeth as she followed her mentor. Mina and her mentor were on the same patrol.

I thought being a Clan cat would be a lot more exciting...

"Try not to fall behind, Sheeppaw!" Furzepelt called ahead of her. Mina nodded and fell in beside her mentor.

"This is your third border patrol, I hope you remember what to do." Furzepelt meowed.

Mina nodded, she ran ahead to mark the territory.

Trina didn't budge.

"Go mark the border, Falconpaw!" Weaselfur hissed.

"What?! No!" Trina protested. "I'm not peeing on a tree!"

"Falconpaw, you've already have to clean up the elder's den everyday for a half-moon for putting poison ivy in the warrior's den!" Weaselfur snarled. "You have more punishments than we can count now! MARK THE TERRITORY!"

Trina growled at her mentor and ran up to the tree as Mina ran back to her mentor. She scowled.

"QUIT WATCHING ME!" Trina snarled. "PERVERTS!"

"What's a 'pervert'?" Furzepelt whispered to her apprentice.

"Oh, it's a Twoleg term. Don't worry about it." Mina dismissed Trina's insult.

"I'll go hunt something for Heathertail while you two wait." Mina said.

"That's very thoughtful of you." Furzepelt flicked her tail towards the moor. "Go ahead."

Mina ran down the moor. She remembered only two days ago Heathertail gave birth to a dark brown tom and a black she-cat.

Mina was sleeping, shivering since she was one of two apprentices, and Trina refused to be near Mina. A cry echoed.


Mina woke up and saw the medicine cat dart quickly to the Nursery. Trina woke up as well.

"These cats are so loud and annoying!" Trina whined. "SHUT UP, YOU STUPID CAT!"

"It's Heathertail!" Mina said. "She's giving birth!"

"She doesn't have to be so LOUD about it!" Trina snapped. Weaselfur walked into the apprentice's den.

"Did you just yell at Heathertail?!" Weaselfur snarled. "Show some respect! She's having kits!"

"So?!" Trina retorted. "It's not like I'll ever have kits here! It's her fault!"

"That doesn't make any sense, Falconpaw!" Weaselfur snapped. "If you hate the sound so much, than go collect wool for the elder's den!"

Trina grumbled some choice words before leaving camp.

"Do you think I can help her?" Mina asked gingerly.

"Thanks, but I think the medicine cat is the only one that can help." Weaselfur sighed.

"SOMEONE GET BREEZEPELT!" a WindClan she-cat cried.

"Well...that's my cue!" Mina chuckled nervously. "That means I'll go get him!"

"OK, thanks Sheeppaw." Weaselfur left. Mina ran and saw Breezepelt leading a patrol.

"BREEZEPELT!" Mina cried. "Heathertail's giving birth!"

"What?!" Breezepelt turned around. "Tell her I'm leading a patrol!"

"Don't you want to be there for her?!" Hootcry said to Breezepelt.

"She'll be just fine!" Breezepelt hissed. "Go tell Kestrelflight I'll be back from patrol as soon as we hunt!"

"Fine!" Mina was surprised at how rude her response sounded. She dismissed it and ran back to the Nursery.

"The kits have been born!" Kestrelflight cried. "Where's Breezepelt?"

"He refused to be here till they finished the patrol!" Mina noticed the mad glare in Heathetail's eyes.

"I'm naming the kits myself than!" Heathertail snarled. "The tom is Cedarkit and the she-cat is Ashkit!"

"I'm back!" Breezepelt growled, Hootcry and Emberfoot following. "The kits names are-"

"I already named them." Heathertail hissed. "Cedarkit and Ashkit."

"Ashkit?!" Breezepelt snarled. "After my grandmother?!"

"It's an honorable name!" Heathertail snapped.

"And why's this kit-" Breezepelt prodded the tom roughly, making him squeak. "-'s dark brown?! Are they Lionblaze's?!"

"DON'T TOUCH MY KIT LIKE THAT!" Heathertail slashed Breezepelt's nose open. "GET OUT!"

"NO!" Breezepelt leaped. Mina was alarmed and slammed into Breezepelt. He was about the lunge at her but Harespring held him back.

"I'm surprised Onestar let you stay to father kits after what you've done!" Harespring snarled. "We will be talking to Onestar."

Breezepelt looked like he was going to hurt the deputy, but didn't after he saw the crowd he attracted. Harespring dropped him and they disappeared into Onestar's den.

After Kestrelflight left, Mina walked close to Heathertail.

"Are they...Lionblaze's kits?" Mina asked softly.

Heathertail shook her head.

"They're Breezepelt's, I thought he was a good cat...I was wrong." Heathertail looked at Mina. "Thanks for defending me."

"It's no problem." Mina left.

Kon left the apprentice's den early to catch prey for the elders, he dashed across the territory and stopped when he saw a she-cat.

She's heading towards our territory!

Kon waited beside the river, and growled at the she-cat when she got too close. She jumped.

"Stay off our territory!" Kon growled.

"I wasn't going to cross, I swear!" Mina's eyes widened. "Kon?"

"Mina?" Kon's eyes lit up. He jumped into the river and jumped out next to Mina. "I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Same!" Mina purred, their tails twining. "Where were you?!"

"Grojband and the Newmans have joined ThunderClan!" Kon purred.

"My sister's in ThunderClan, and so are you?" Mina sighed. "Me and Trina joined WindClan..."

"...oh." Kon whispered sadly. "So...maybe we'll see each other at the Gathering...?"

"Maybe?" Mina gave a weak smile. "I'd love to see the Gathering, I mean."

"Of course. I'm Bigpaw now." Kon touched this nose to Mina's cheek. "You?"

"Oh, I'm Sheeppaw!" Mina answered. "Bye, Bigpaw."

"Bye, Sheeppaw." Kon tried to sound cheerful, but the high tone in his voice fell short.

He turned around, not looking back.

I just wanted to hunt, and instead I've been painfully reminded what I've lost

Kon came back to camp. Konnie glanced than quickly looked away. Corey and Laney came up to Kon.

"Hey Kon!" Corey purred. "Ready for the dawn patrol, I assume?"

"Yeah" Kon sighed.

"What's wrong?" Laney asked, the two were on each side of him.


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