Lizardpaw: New Queens

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Kin saw Bramblestar's cruel eyes stare across the camp.

"Soulpaw and Skypaw both broke the code, they will be punished." Bramblestar growled.

Not Corey!

"What did Soulpaw do?!" Kin cried, Kon ran to his side. "If anything, he tried to help save Ivypool with Adderpaw!"

"He did!" Laney wrapped her tail around Corey's. "I leaded Ivypool out of the fight and he helped defend her!"

"It's true, Bramblestar. Please don't punish him." Ivypool said softly.

"If anything, you should punish Adderpaw for saving her instead of me!" Squirrelflight spat. Bramblestar narrowed his eyes at Laney.

"And why'd you do that, Adderpaw?" Bramblestar asked. Laney returned the glare.

"Because she is my friend." Laney growled. "I'm sure the leader's mate is in good paws anyway."

"MAKE HER PAY FOR SAYING THAT!" Squirrelflight snarled. Thornclaw came up to Bramblestar.

"Leader, do you wish for me to escort her back to the Nursery?" Thornclaw asked gingerly.

"I DON'T NEED AN ESCORT!" Squirrelflight stormed off in a rage.

"Soulpaw will be the last cat to eat for a half-moon." Bramblestar announced. "But I will not restrict his training for what he did."

Laney grinned and nudged Corey.

"But Skypaw, why did you kill Mintpaw? Was she about to kill you?" Bramblestar asked.

"Yes." Carrie lied. "She yelled the words at me and aimed for my throat."

"You will sleep outside the camp for a half-moon for breaking the code." Bramblestar snarled. Kin noticed Carrie's claws were sinking into the dirt.

"You can't do this!" Carrie cried.

"Skypaw didn't do anything wrong!" Kim added. "She fought better than most of you!"

"But how?" Konnie whispered. Kim nudged her to keep her quiet.

"YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME!" Bramblestar hissed. "The punishments stick! Lead her to her sleeping spot, Millie."

Carrie's mentor, Millie, walked over and escorted her out. Carrie's eyes sharpened and she growled between her teeth.

Mousewhisker came up to his apprentice.

"Are you alright, Lizardpaw?" Mousewhisker asked.

"I just have a scratch on my leg, it looks like the others need treatment quicker than I do." Suddenly, a thought came to Kin. "How's Skypaw going to get treated if she's been sent out of camp?"

"I'm sure Bramblestar will do something." Mousewhisker replied. "Do you think you can do a hunting patrol? I'll teach you a few more hunting tricks on the way."

"Sure!" Kin still felt concerned for his friends, and even for Carrie.

"Hey brother!" Kon said cheerfully and he walked with him. "Cool we're on the same hunting patrol huh?"

Kin nodded bleakly, the patrol consisted of him, Kon, their mentors, and Lilyheart. A few of the only healthy warriors from the fight.

Kin watched as Birchfall lowered to the ground and caught a mouse. Both brothers watched the demonstration.

Kon soon followed, his extensive knowledge of Warriors at paw. He leaped and caught a squirrel, Birchfall gave a nod of approval.

Together, Mousewhisker and Lilyheart caught a thrush. Kin noticed the two got along well.

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