Skypaw: Let the Blossoms Fall

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The blue she-cat's eyes flickered from tree to tree around the shrew in front of her.

"Keep your tail up." Tigerstar whispered softly. "Shoulders down, rear up."

Carrie did so, then she leaped and caught it.

"Great job, Skypaw!"

Go away, Stormcloud! You're scaring all the prey away!

"Thanks Stormcloud." Carrie muttered. "Shouldn't you be watching your own apprentice?"

"I don't have an apprentice." Stormcloud narrowed his eyes at her.

"You should have one. Not that you'd make a good mentor." Carrie growled as she carried her shrew to the patrol nearby. "Just so that you won't bother me."

"You'll see to my thinking soon enough." Stormcloud growled. Cloudtail arrived with Dovewing, Birchfall, their three apprentices, and Millie.

"You're quite a good hunter!" Kon smiled at Hollypaw, who smiled back shyly. Fernpaw rolled her eyes while Carrie blinked obliviously.

"We should get back." Millie meowed. "We've caught plenty. Good catch, Skypaw."

Carrie growled, but felt a little better when Dovewing bumped into a tree.

At least I'm not practically blind and deaf like that gray-furred bimbo

"How adorable!"

"I suppose lover conquers all!"

"They may never have kits though!"

"Why's that matter? They look cute together!"

"What's happening?" Carrie asked as she was behind the large crowd of warriors.

"I love you, Briarlight. You're the moon and sun to me." a voice purred.

"Oh, Dewdrop! I love you too!" Briarlight replied back.

Carrie flinched when she heard a snarl near her. She looked at saw Blossomfall's fur on end, her claws unsheathed.

"I hate her, I hate her, I hate her." Blossomfall repeated quietly.

"Shut up, will you?!" Millie snarled, shoving her daughter. "She's happy, you little-"

"Don't push her." Carrie walked between Blossomfall and her mentor. "She can feel what she wants."

"No, she isn't important as my youngest, Briarlight." Millie hissed. "And my apprentice doesn't tell me what to do!"

Millie stormed off and Blossomfall ran to the warriors den, Carrie followed her.

Blossomfall collapsed and shook, she appeared to be crying softly.

"Shhh, it'll be OK." Carrie felt doubt in her words, but she rubbed Blossomfall's shoulders with her tail.

"Not if they're together." Blossomfall growled. Carrie thought of it for a few moments, then smiled.

"There are ways to prevent that. One is forcefully." Carrie purred evilly.

"I love Dewdrop though." Blossomfall sighed. "If we kill her, what if he finds out?"

"He won't." Carrie answered. "Can we kill someone else too?"

"Who?" Blossomfall asked. "I'll kill most of these cats to keep this quiet."

"Leafpool." Carrie replied. "I've never liked her, especially when Thornclaw told me her backstory."

"With that WindClan tramp?" Blossomfall sneered. "Yes, we can kill her too."

Carrie smiled. She felt a familiar cat's breath on her shoulder.

"Excellent." Tigerstar purred. "She still has killing inside her from the Dark Forest. And wonderful job, convincing her to take out two cats with you!"

"Thank you." Carrie beamed.

"When will we do this killing?" Blossomfall asked.

"Two sunrises from now." Carrie answered. "We need to plan."

"Millie, Skypaw, Blossomfall, Mothpaw, and Snowfall will go on a patrol." Bramblestar meowed.

Carrie looked around the camp. Corey and Laney were chatting with Kon and Konnie.

She growled.

Konnie was talking to them.

Has she forgotten where her loyalties lie?! To me!

"We must go, I'm leading the dawn patrol." Snowfall walked away and the patrol followed.

Carrie felt the leaf-bare arriving, she desperately wished she was back at home where the warm air passes her ears as she stuffs her face with Thanksgiving turkey.

Thanksgiving! How is my family going to be fine without me and my sister at the table?! They probably think we're dead!

"You must be happy for your brother!" Millie purred cheerfully beside Snowfall.

"I couldn't be more so." Snowfall replied. "Hold up, I smell sparrow."

Snowfall ran ahead and steadily climbed a tall tree.

I'm sure he could be happier, when Blossomfall is Dewdrop's mate!

"I see a squirrel!" Kim whispered to Carrie. "We should try to catch it together!"

"Right." Carrie followed Kim as they approached the clearing where a gray squirrel was nibbling on grass.

"Furry fool." Carrie sneered. "Kim, get to the other side of him for when he runs that way."

"Got it." Kim ran around the bushes till she was directly across Carrie.

Carrie leaped and purposely landed in front of the squirrel. The squirrel shrieked and ran into Kim's claws.

"Nice catch Mothpaw!" Blossomfall purred from behind Carrie.

"Thanks!" Kim dashed off to the rest of the patrol while Carrie and Blossomfall exchanged a knowing look.

Two sunrises passed, and Carrie stretched out her body.

"Uh, Carrie? Your butt's in my face."

"Oh!" Carrie flipped around to face Larry. "Sorry!"

"It's fine." Larry's eyes were tired and he got and rubbed his cheek against Carrie's. "I just didn't want you to accidentally sit on me."

"Like those two?" Carrie pointed to Corey and Laney with her tail, they were sleeping on top of each other.

"I have to go." Carrie woke up completely when she realized it was the morning her and Blossomfall would carry out the double murder.

"Uh, OK." Larry laid back down and fell back asleep.

Carrie walked across the forest and sat where Blossomfall said they'd meet.

She waited for a while then yawned.

She clamped her jaws shut when she saw Blossomfall leading her younger sister.

"It's been a long time since we've sunbathed together sis." Briarlight meowed. "It was usually between me and Dewdrop for the past few sunrises."

Blossomfall nodded, digging her claws into the dirt. She gave Carrie the signal.

Carrie ran to the medicine cat's den.

"Leafpool! I need you!" Carrie cried softly.

"What fo-"

"Shh, don't wake Jayfeather!" Carrie faked a whimper. "No questions! Just follow me!"

"OK." Leafpool got up and followed Carrie.

Not knowing she was walking into her own grave.

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