Soulpaw and Skypaw: Dual Training

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A half-moon passed since the battle with ShadowClan, and Corey was finally allowed to eat when the apprentices ate. A quarter-moon ago, Stormcloud convinced Bramblestar to lift Carrie out of her punishment early.

"I don't get why you care about her so much!" Bramblestar sighed. "Do her?"

"No!" Stormcloud was flustered. "It's just-"

"Don't say anymore, you don't have to tell me." Bramblestar muttered.

Carrie wiggled excited in her burrow outside of camp till she heard Tigerstar whisper to her.

"Remember, these are the cats that scolded you for fighting for your Clan!"

"Oh, right..."

"Skypaw!" Bramblestar called. "You can come back to camp now!"

Carrie came out and bared her teeth.

"What? Cause you need me?!" Carrie showed an exaggerated amount of hostility.

"We don't." Bramblestar growled. "It's your choice, if you want to leave the Clan. If you do, any patrol has a right to kill you."

"Fine, I'm coming back!" Carrie wasn't coming back for the sake of her Clan. No, she remembered her friends were back there and missing her.

"I'm back!" Carrie growled. Warriors looked startled and whispered to each other. She heard comments how they were surprised that her fur didn't cling to her bones as she had to hunt on her own.

"Because I'm not entirely useless!" Carrie snapped. "Beetlepaw!"

Larry ran to Carrie's side and touched his nose to her's. "Yes?"

"Where's Mothpaw and Acornpaw?" Carrie asked.

"One's on hunting, one's on border patrol." Larry explained. Carrie bared her fangs.

"THEY DON'T MISS ME!" Carrie cried.

"No, they're just on patrol! They don't know you're back!" Larry whimpered.

"I stand alone." Carrie whispered through gritted teeth. Stormcloud went to her and attempted to twine tails with her. Carrie slapped his away.

"AWAY, FLEABAG!" Carrie hissed. Carrie's mentor ran to her.

"That's not how you treat a fellow warrior!" Millie growled. "Apologize!"

"Sorry." Carrie's eyes narrowed at Stormcloud's smug look.

"Of course you'll say sorry to the father of your future kits." Stormcloud purred. Carrie's eyes turned to balls of fire.

"YOU KITTYPET SCUM!" Carrie leaped at Stormcloud and clawed at his ribs. Her back legs kicked his belly and he wailed in pain. Millie pulled Carrie off of him while Birchfall and Lionblaze held Stormcloud back.

"I'm going to sleep." Carrie growled. She entered the apprentice's den. Her body felt like stone, and she fell exhausted. Larry came to cuddle with her, and instead of chasing him away, she let him stay.

"Hey, Soulpaw!"

Sorrelpaw came and nuzzled Corey. He jumped away from her with a startled look in his eyes.

"You're not Adderpaw!" Corey growled.

"No, but I'm much better..." Sorrelpaw purred seductively. She tried to come closer but Corey hissed.

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