Bigpaw: Caught in the Act

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Kon dashed through the forest and hid behind a tree, watching Bramblestar pulling Ivypool's body back to camp. He had planned to meet Mina again, as the sun was falling from it's place. But watching one of his favorite characters get killed had caught him shocked and still.

He didn't have to worry at least about hiding what Bramblestar had done, since the brown tabby leader already seemed intent on letting his Clan know he killed Ivypool.


"AAH!" Kon cried. He turned around and saw it was only Mina.

"Bramblestar just killed Ivypool!" Kon shrieked. "Get back to camp!"


"We'll meet next sunfall! I have to go!" Kon quickly nuzzled Mina and made a run for it.

He had to get back, he feared for Ivypool's kits like they were his own.

He entered camp from the entrance near the dirt-place so seldom cats would even notice he was missing for the slightest amount of time. He braced for the moment of shock, outrage, and many more horrible things Bramblestar would bring.

I can't believe she got rogues to kill Squirrelflight, but for what?

"ThunderClan!" Bramblestar yelled.

The conversation turned to shrieking and shock.

"IVYPOOL?!" Whitewing gasped.

"Oh no!" Bumblestripe cried.

Kon looked over in the crowd and saw Laney's face, her mouth dropped and her body slightly twitched.

"What did you do?" Laney whispered.

"Attention, ThunderClan." Bramblestar kicked Ivypool's body towards them, making them shrink back. "Ivypool revealed that she convinced two rogues to kill Squirrelflight. I chased off the rogues and killed her."

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" Laney spat angriliy, lashing her tail. "YOU JUST WANT SOME CAT TO BLAME!"

"Well, now that Dovewing is expecting and Ivypool is not able to have kits because she's dead-" Whitewing smiled. "That means me and Birchfall can have more kits!"

"What?!" Kin snapped. "That's total bull-"

"SILENCE!" Bramblestar roared. "Meadowkit and Bravekit will still be raised in the Nursery, however Bravekit will now become Burdenkit. To remind everyone the horrible and disgusting crime his parents have done."

"NO!" Laney ran to Bramblestar and bared her fangs. "YOU'RE A LIAR, YOU LITTLE CRAP!"

"Get back!" Thornclaw stood between them and pushed Laney away. "Attacking your leader isn't going to bring back Ivypool."

"Tell Whitewing she can't have kits!" Kim growled. "She's apprenticing Adderpaw!"

"Not if she keeps getting in my face." Bramblestar growled at Laney. "Whitewing, I ask you not to have kits until Adderpaw has finished her apprenticeship, unlike what you did with Icecloud."

"She was ready to be a warrior!" Whitewing growled. "Adderpaw, you will be going on two hunting patrols and cleaning out the apprentice's den. You will be battle training all day next sunrise."

"You just want to rush my training so you can have kits sooner." Laney muttered. "Fine."

It was next sunrise, and Whitewing had stuck with what she said. Kon walked past Whitewing growling commands at her apprentice.

"You better do that move right!" Whitewing snarled. "I cannot wait any longer!"

Kon stopped and saw Hollypetal looking at him intently, he knew by now that the black she-cat had a deep crush on him.

Almost tempting, since she's Lionblaze's daughter...but no, I like Mina, and nobody else

Speaking of which, he was expecting to meet her(Mina) tonight. He groomed his fur in anticipation.

But I have a whole day before I meet Mina, what should I do? Well, I do love helping the Clan, and I hope their fond thoughts of me never change. Even if they find out I'm seeing Mina from WindClan.

Kon decided to go on a hunting patrol to take his mind off of it.

"Birchfall?" Kon said to his mentor. "May we go on a hunting patrol?"

"Course. We can ask Hollypetal and Cinderheart to go with us." Birchfall purred.

Great, Hollypetal AND probably Cinderheart's apprentice, Konnie, will be going! My luck!

"OK." Kon smiled for extra effect.

"...Would you like to ask them?" Birchfall asked.

Kon nodded and walked up to Hollypetal.

"Hey Holly!" Kon mentally slapped himself. "Would you like to go on a patrol with us?"

"Sure!" Hollypetal smiled. "Let's go!"

"Hold on, I'm going to ask Cinderheart if her and Acornpaw can come too." Kon said.

Hollypetal's face fell and her tail twitched.

Kon asked them and the five of them left the hunting patrol. The whole time Birchfall and Cinderheart were oblivious to the tension the whole time.

The moon had begun rising and Kon was eager and left early to see Mina after eating a sparrow and dodging Hollypetal's and Konnie's odd looks.

He knew why Hollypetal was doing it, but for Konnie he had no idea.

He was quick to be there and Mina jumped at him and they started brushing against each other.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Mina purred. "But Trina...she saw us yesterday morning. She told the whole camp about Bramblestar killing Ivypool!"

"What about us?" Kon asked.

"She decided not to tell about us, thank God." Mina sighed. "But now WindClan all ready to fight ThunderClan! Onestar thinks he might harm the kits!"

"Of course he'd care about his kits." Kon replied. "But he shouldn't be worried."

"Trina pulled what you said out of context. All she said was that she saw Bramblestar kill Ivypool. Do you know what actually happened?" Mina asked.

Kon explained to Mina the whole thing from Ivypool hiring two rogues to Bramblestar finding it out moons later.

"Oh god!" Mina gasped. "Squirrelflight's dead?"

"Shh." Kon whispered. "Trina could be hearing us again."

Kon licked Mina's head and she smiled.

"That always feels funny." Mina purred happily.

Kon was trying to take Mina's mind off what he had just told her. He rubbed his jaw against Mina's and pushed her to the ground. It was normal, as in the past four moons they had started getting intimate, but not actually mating.

He rubbed his paws over Mina's chest and she smirked, licking Kon's chest.

They were rubbing each other for hours before the bushes slightly shuddered.

Before Kon and Mina could get up from their positions, Corey and Kin burst from the bushes.

"Gotcha!" Corey shouted before he registered Kon on top of Mina rubbing her.

Him and Kin had their mouths hanging open.

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