Adderpaw: Night Dangers

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Laney was fast asleep in the corner. She frowned slightly missing Corey's warm touch.

Laney felt her lips pull away from Corey. Her eyes widened and she heard Corey say "wow" loudly.

"Oh! Uh..sorry, Laney!"

"No, its fine! Just...cotton candy."

Laney remembered the kiss like yesterday, she longed for another from Corey's sweet lips. Her heart ached.

Now she was back at Peaceville, in her human body. She knew this was a dream. Most likely another of sweet agony where Corey would seduce her and then she'd wake up. The fantasies she had were endless.

She stood in front of the garage and knocked, she loved and hated the fantasies she was brought too. The garage opened.

It was not Corey.

A blue-grey cat stood in front of her. It stared into Laney's eyes.

"The sky will deceit ThunderClan, it holds a great evil!" the cat hissed.

"The sky?" Laney looked up. "Excuse me?"

"It's paws will strike, look at the trees!" the cat snapped.

Laney did so.

"So? They're maple trees!" Laney said.

"Exactly! SHADOWCLAN!"

Laney felt horror, the last word was not one of her dreams.


Laney stood up and saw Bramblestar running like the hell-hounds were chasing him.

"Get out of the way!" Sorrelpaw hissed as she shoved Laney aside. "Leave the battle to the experienced apprentices!"

"Wha? What's happening?" Larry said groggily beside Carrie.

"INVASION!" Daisy yowled. That woke everyone up.

"Aw! I was about to catch the cheese wheel!" Konnie whined.

"BATTLE! YES!" Carrie yelled, she dashed into the fray with a wild madness in her eyes. "LEAVE NO ONE!"

"OH NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Larry started hyperventilating. "I'm a munchkin cat! And I have no experience! And-"

"Come fight with me Larry!" Suddenly, Carrie pulled Larry into the battle.

Kim, Konnie, Kin, and Kon looked at the battle with fear. Laney looked at them.

I can't fight, but I don't want to look like a coward!

Laney froze.

The battle was coming to them.

Two young she-cats dashed into the apprentice's den, their claws extended.

"COWARDS!" they both hissed

The dark grey one leaped at Konnie and Kim while the light brown one attacked Kon and Kin. Laney ran.

She saw ThunderClan cats fighting off the battle patrol. A huge brown tom ran towards the Nursery.

Laney growled and scored her claws down the tom's belly. The tom yowled and turned to face Laney, but she vanished into the Nursery.

In the Nursery, Daisy was coaxing a screaming Squirrelflight. Ivypool hid in the corner.

"I'll escort Ivypool out of here. You escort Squirrelflight!" Laney said. She walked over to Ivypool and helped her up.

"Thanks!" Ivypool gasped as Laney led her out. They both froze when two toms leaped from the battle and towards them.

"DON'T HURT THEM!" Berrynose jumped in front of the toms and attempted to fight them off. One bit his leg and the other slammed his paws down Berrynose's head.

"OH NO!" Ivypool cried. Laney restrained her from heading over there.

"He'll be fine!" Laney reassured her. "Come on!"

Laney leaded Ivypool to an old rabbit burrow.

"Just lay here." Laney purred. "Stay calm for the kits."

"How? Cats could die!" Ivypool whimpered. "Maybe Berrynose for saving us!"

"Just talk to me, like...who's the father?" Laney asked.

Ivypool looked down.

"How about another question?" Ivypool whispered.

"You can trust me, I promise." Laney said.

"It's a rogue, I asked him to do something in exchange for mating with me." Ivypool said. "You wouldn't understand, you just joined this Clan."


"I need fresh-kill, please." Ivypool meowed. "Maybe I'll share the rest of the story with you another time."

"Oh, well. OK." Laney replied. She walked out of the burrow.

She walked through the trees, within earshot of the cries and yowls. She saw the bushes shake.

"ShadowClan!" Laney hissed through her teeth. "COME OUT!"

"Mmph!" the voice whimpered. "Lanes?"

"Corey?!" Laney's eyes widened. She ran to the bushes and saw Corey. His pelt had all sorts of thorns, and he was crying. Blood dotted his fur.

"Oh, Corey." Laney cooed, she caressed Corey's face with her paw and touched his cheek with her nose. "It's just a few scratches..."

"It's not!" Corey cried. "I caused this battle and one of them pushed me into these bushes!"

"Let me help you up, Corey." Laney said softly. She carefully pulled Corey out of the bushes and pulled out the thorns.

"I know it's a weird question, but could you lick my fur too...please?" Corey let his head rest on Laney's shoulder.

"Of course, Core." Laney purred. She felt an odd feeling about it, but she loved Corey even more in his presence(and plus it was like kissing him). She licked his face and down to his back. She felt her heart beat fast as Corey purred.

"Better?" Laney asked.

"I still feel bad about starting this!" Corey blurted out. "But, er, thanks...a lot."

"Of course Corey." Laney leaded Corey to the same rabbit burrow Ivypool was in. Ivypool's ears perked up.

"Soulpaw, is it?" Ivypool asked. "Hello, Adderpaw helped me here."

"She is very..kind and helpful" Corey chuckled nervously, licking his chest fur.

"Are you two mates?" Ivypool asked.

"Blah!" Corey choked on his fur in shock and fell over coughing. "Er, sorry for that. No"

Laney looked at Corey.

At least he wasn't rude about it...I guess

"Did the battle stop?" Corey's ears perked up. So did Laney's and Ivypool's.

"It might have!" Ivypool gasped. "Let's head back, hurry!"

"Do you think you can walk on your own, Corey?" Laney asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" Corey strut out his chest and licked his shoulder.

Laney knew he was trying to look tough now that it wasn't just the two of them. A sudden thought came.

He only cries in front of me, he trusts me wholeheartedly.

Corey's face showed alarm and he jumped in front of Laney and Ivypool.

"What the heck Corey?!" Laney snapped.

"ShadowClan!" Corey cried. "I smell them coming!"

Laney pushed him out of the way and leaded Ivypool out. He was right.

Three ShadowClan cats stood before them.

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