Chapter 10

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Liz dress to the party at the top ⬆️.


Well it's finally Friday and it has been four days since Alyx came here. I been trying to flirt with her but she either gets kidnap by Tyra or been avoiding me. Anyway I should stop obsessing over Alyx like seriously I already have a boyfriend who adores me but I don't adore him. Suddenly a huge hand wrapped my eyes, I inhale deeply knowing who's smell it was already.

"Hey, babe."

"Awe, come on I was trying to make you guess here babe," he pouted.

"Well if you don't wear to much "axe" I would have guess that it was someone else," I giggled while I took my phone and checked my make up.

"Good point, babe!" He gave me a peck. "I'll walk you to your locker."

"Sure, then promise me that your going to your class."

"I promise," he puts his right hand on his heart like a kid. I giggled again as we walk toward the school. On the way there I saw Alyx coming out of her sexy red convertible mustang. Gosh look at her body it's like she has a manly aura around her yet has a very feminine side too. She saw me look and I smile at her and she smiled back with a nod. Then the kidnapper came I rolled my eyes and started walking very fast.

"Woah, babe... Slow... Down," Drake said while dying behind me. I raises my eyebrows at him.

"How did you even make it to the team when you can't even walk faster," I shook my head at him giving him a disappointment look.

"Well if you excuse me I have football practice every day and you walk like the flash even when your wearing those 4 inches high "hells"," he air quoted that.

"FYI, this is 6 inches and it's called "high heels"," I flipped my hair and walked away giving him a cold shoulder when he called me. As I reached my locker Jess was already there leaning on my locker.

"Wow, gramma took you forever to get here," she said sarcasticly.

"Well my drama queen boyfriend was complaining about how fast I walk and he doesn't even know what this is," I pointed at my heels.

"Well first of all who wears 6 inches of heels to school and second of all why are you wearing it?"She raised her eyebrow.

"Well It's my style gramma who doesn't know her fashion," I stuck out my tongue out.

"Well at least I don't look like a fucking striper" she rolled her eyeball.

"No, I don't," I said defensively.

"Look at that cloths your wearing, your showing half of your soul to every one," she scoff.

"FYI it's called crop shirt and it's fashion everyone wear it plus I want to look good."

"To whom your douchebag boyfriend or Alyx," she smirks.

"No one," as I grabbed my binder inside my locker.

"Hey, Did you bump to them?" She ask.

"Who?" I ask innocently. As I walk to first period.

"Don't play dumb you know who I'm talking about," Jess glared.

"Is it really that noticeable?" I mumbled.

"Yes, your always grumpy when you bumped to them."

"Oh," is all I could say.

She's the only one in my mind(gxg)(lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now