Chapter nine

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Alyx POV

Well my day was really interesting. Liz help me find my way to mrs. Malik's well technically she drag me all the way to the classroom like a lost puppy. When she was helping me she had become an angle, then when school was finally over she turned to a devil. I swear that girl needs to work on her anger management or she'll get grey hair soon and wrinkles. Well back to me, after the devil Liz came back me and Tyra bid our goodbyes and went to separate ways it turned out she lives on the other side so I couldn't give her a ride and her dad was ganna pick her up too so that's good.  When I made it outside Mike and Ryle was already waiting with a huge grin on their face. On the way home all we talked about was random things like how cool fairytail was but they said naruto was more intense and fricking amazing. The only thing I hate about talking anime was I always lose cause it's always 2 against 1 how unfair is that! Before the car could reach our house I blurted out, "I like girls."

"FINALLY," both of them exclaim.

"Huh?" That's all I could reply.

"Finally you admitted, plus we already know," Ryle roll his eyes.


"Duh, you never been with a guy so ya" Mike.

"Plus we have something call Gaydar, and we always sense that you are gay," Ryle rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Anyway we need to welcome you to our Fabulous Squad and we know you'll like it," he grinned like the cat from Alice in the wonderland.

My eyes widen from fear, both of the boys laugh hysterically. When we reached the house I quickly jump out of the car and grabbed all my stuff and run straight to the door. I heard the boys laugh again, as I got inside someone tackled me down losing my breath. The person who tackled me started to giggle, I finally figured who it was. I stand up slowly as I lift my cute baby sister up. I looked at her trying to put the adult sternly face as I spoke.

"Angie don't do that again do you under," she pouted at me as we headed to the living room.

"How was first day honey?" Mom ask as we entered the living room.

"Mmm... It was really interesting," I sign as I put my things on the couches which I notices are new.

"How so?" She ask.

"Nothing," I said sheepishly.

"Did your brother picked you up?" She change the subject.

"Ya, they surprise me at school too when they came to my class," I grinned ear to ear.

"I told them to wait but they are so stubborn," mom sign.

"Well sorry mom but we couldn't wait so we went and surprise her," he puts both of his hand on his hips pretending to be like mom. Mom glared at him trying to scare him off which I found funny. Mike mock back at mom which made all of us giggled. When we all settled down I ask mom "where is dad?"

"Well he said he'll be home soon," mom. After mom said that we heard a car pull on our drive way then another car after that.

"Well why don't you go to your father and help him with his stuff," mom said as she took Angie away from me. I look at her puzzled and Mike push me toward the door way. There something fishy going here, I thought to my head. As I reached outside I saw dad leaning in a 2015 red convertible mustang. I walked toward the car my mouth was slight opened.

"Do you like it?" Dad ask.

"Y-Yes," I stammered.

"Its all yours," dad hand the key towards me.

She's the only one in my mind(gxg)(lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now