Chapter seven

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Alyx POV

After the scene in the classroom and with Liz. Every girls in school are following me around, even Liz eyes are eyeing me down. Like seriously, if they like my brother they should look for him not follow me around asking for his number. Even if they got his number he would block them and tell them he isn't interested since his gay. Well thank god tho that Tyra got me out of the girls grasp and told them to never follow me around while giving them the middle finger. We were laughing our ass when we got away from them. She showed all the places that I might need to go to like the computer room, library, music room which I'm definitely ganna be there when it's my break since I love to play the piano and Tyra said no one really come there and the last thing she showed was the HUGE gym. My mouth drop, it's bigger than my backyard it's like twice the size of a hockey rink. She roll her eyes at me when she saw my reaction.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow.

"You look like an idiot with that reaction," she smirk.

"Whatever," I stick my tongue out at her.

"Isn't your gym in Canada that big too?" She question.

"No, it's only half off this gym,"I mumbled.

"Wow, your lucky I wish our gym is like that big," she sign.


"'Cause our evil gym teacher mrs. Mentalim makes us run ten laps around this huge gym," I giggled when she said 'mrs. Mentalim'.

"What?" Now it's her turn to raise her eyebrow at me.

"You don't have to make up names to make me laugh" I giggled.

"That's her really last name," she gave me a very serious face.

"Ya, ya, fine I believe you" I said between the laugh.

"I don't care if you belive me or not cause your ganna meet her later anyway," rolling her eyes.

"Anyway lead me to the lunch room lady cause I'm so hungry," I teased her.

"Fine, I'm hungry too," she replied walking away from me leading me to the hallway that smells like food. My mouth watered when I smell the chocolate chip cookie. Did I mention I love chocolate chip cookie! I snap out of my thought and ask Tyra.

"Do you have friends that your ganna introduce to me?" I smiled.

"No," she glared at me. I laugh as we entered the double door of the cafeteria. I went to the lunch ladies to buy a chocolate chip cookies and an apple juice. Tyra lead me to a group of people that looked like her. They all glance at us when we came closer to there table.

"Hey guys," Tyra greeted them.

"Hey Ty, who's that hot chick beside you" one of her friend check me out head to toe. I shudder and went up to them and stick my hand out and introduce myself to them.

"Hey guys my name is Alyx Bloomfield, I shook there hands one by one.

"I'm Tyrel," long dye black haired guy said. He has dark green eyes that look at me deep through my soul.

"I'm Jessy," the girl with dark brown hair with bangs looked at me with here brown eyes.

"I'm Jacob," the guy who flirted with me introduce his self. I gave him a half hearted smile. All of them look so gothic just like Tyra, she has dye long black hair and dark brown eyes with tons off black makeup.

"Stop checking her out," Tyra glared at him.

"Ohhhhh some one is jealous," Jessy and Tyrel chorus. I giggled and Tyra blush.

She's the only one in my mind(gxg)(lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now