Chapter two

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Ugh it's so early in the morning when I finally got to school. It was about 7:00 am when I finally park my BMW in my private parking spot. Everyone knows that this was my parking spot so they better not mess with me. I check my makeup on my rear mirror before going to the football field to where my boyfriend was.

Today I'm wearing a white mini skirt and a black short sleeveless shirt just to look good for my boyfriend this was always his favourite outfit of mine! I quickly walked to my boyfriends practice. He hates when I miss it. I guess you can say I'm his good luck charm.

I finally get there and he drops the ball and runs up to me. He lifts me up and spins me and kisses me so gently. Every time he kisses me I fall more and more in love with him but I never feel the "sparks" that my friends say. Is that normal? I do love him but I just don't feel it.

"Morning beautiful," he said with his dazzling smile.

"Good morning, babe," before giving him another kiss.

"Drake, stop sticking your tongue in her throat and get your ass here now!" his coach yelled.

"Well babe look like my ex wants me back," he teased me.

"Go, I'll watched you from here," I giggled.

I texted all through his practice and didn't even notice it until the sun was already blazing my skin when the practice was over. I saw him talking to his team before running toward me. I smile as he got closer.

"Babe will you wait for me," he whispered while nibbling on my lips.

"Of course honey," I gave him a sweet kiss.

I watched him walk towards the boys gym to go to the change room so he can take a shower. I felt someones hand cover my eyes. I know this perfume smell.

"Jess, will you take off your hands on my eyes 'cause your ganna mess my make up," I growled.

"Sorry, sorry," she said while holding her hands up. I took my phone out and looked at my make up. Thank god it's not mess up.

"Let's go to our locker, Liz you can meet your boyfriend there" she said joyfully.

"Fine," I rolled my eyes. Jess and I have been best friends since we we're babies she's the only person that knows my deepest darkest secrets. She always keep the secret to her self that's why I love her. I can never stay mad at her even though she always get me piss off. We finally got to our locker, I'm so happy that her locker is beside mine. I took my binder and books out and hand it to Jess when I felt a masculine arms wrap my waist.

"Drake your hair is dripping," I tried to push him playfully. "my cloths are ganna get wet." From the corner of my eyes I saw Jess walking toward our first period which was English.

Finally he let go and push me to the lockers and leaned his forehead to mine and slowly kiss me. I moan softly and I felt his lips smiled.

Ringgggggg Ringgggggg

"Babe, I got to go to class," I told him.

He let go of me and whispered "Do you want to come over after school at my house. It's just us ganna be there, babe."

"I'll think about it, 'cause I have cheerleading practice later," I gave him one last kiss before parting.

I look around for Jess when I got inside the classroom. I saw her sitting to our favourite spot at the very back. I sweetly thank her for bringing my things and when I sat beside her I could feel hundreds pairs of eyes looking at me and checking me out.

Finally the teacher came in and everyone faced the front. The teacher introduce his self as Mr. McPhee. He did a quick attendance. Then he started teaching and I tried to listen to what his teaching but I can't focus. If you are the most popular and hottest girl in school every pair of eyes will stare at you.

"Look Liz, everyone is eye raping you," she giggled. I rolled my eyes at her and looked at the front. Mr. McPhee was trying to explain something on the white board when their was a soft knock on the door.

"Hello," I heard him say. "Are you in my class."
The person at the door said "hello, and yes."

"Well come in then," mr. McPhee said while opening the door wider.

My jaw drop when I saw her. The way she move is so elegant. Her feature is incredibly sexy. She's wearing a blue jeans short shorts which makes her legs look so pale and strong. her body is so curvy that you would think she's a model. The shirt she's wearing suits her and it shows more of her personality. I couldn't help but stare at her chest too, I didn't know I was staring at it for so long until I heard Jess say.

"Woah, doggy, calm down, close your mouth and wipe your drool." I snap my eyes off to the girl to glare at Jess and she glared back. We keep glaring at each other until we heard Mr. McPhee talk to the girl again. I broke my gaze from Jess, she rolls her eyes at me and looked at the front. I stared at the girl's face, starting from the mouth. I watched her soft slender mouth curved into a smile as she answered a question that mr. McPhee ask. Her straight nose crunches when she smile. Her light blue eyes light up as she laugh's. Her nicely plucked eyebrow's raise when she was questioned. Her long straightened pale blond hair hang from her shoulder. I couldn't help but keep staring at her face, when suddenly her eyes met mine and I couldn't breath.

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