Chapter five

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Alyx POV

God can my day get so much worst. First Liz was a mean bully now she's like an angle saying sorry to me. What's going on is this some kind of play she's putting cause it's working. I don't want to see her anymore cause every time I see her I forget what I'm ganna say. Every time I see her I wonder if this is love at first sight as people say. The way my heart beats when she looks at me, how I shiver when she touch me, how I get jealous when she's with her boyfriend, and finally her mesmerizing vanilla smell makes me want to go grab her and pin her down. Is this all a sign of "love"! If this IS a sign of love then I better avoid her, cause I know she's straight as a street post.

But who am I kidding, after thinking all of those things in my mind the alluring brunette walks in the class all flush. The way she blush is so adorable that I just want to pinch her cheeks more. She looks around the class for an available seat but stop when she saw me. I think my delighted expression gave me away since she started walking towards me with a smirk on her face. I was so thankful that some one is already sitting behind me and she knows that she can't do anything about it. But I was wrong, being popular gives you an advantage.

"Move," I heard her say to the person behind me. The guy didn't even resist, he was to scared to protest. I saw him walking toward the front with his head down. I pull out my phone and buds, checking my music list and put some random songs. Liz pull out my bud and whispered "Lean toward me, Alyx." Avoid... avoid... avoid that's all I can think off. Instead of leaning toward her I lean toward the front blasting my song. I think she got my body language cause she stop bugging me and paid more attention to the front.

It turned out history was ganna kill me of boredom. The teacher at the front mostly rant about topics that I don't get and move on to the next with out finishing his sentence. Half of the class is already sleeping, so I don't bother to listen to the front anymore. I put my head down and went to sleep.

Mmmmmm.... I stir around looking around me. CRAP!!! Everyone is gone I pick up my phone and earbud, putting it inside my pocket. I headed out in the hallway glancing around for people but I was all alone. I keep walking around knowing that I'm getting lost, my eyes began to water, droplets of tears roll down my cheeks. Suddenly I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist, I shriek. I attempt to escape but the person pin me on the wall.

"Liz," I whispered.

"Hey darling, why are you crying," she comforts me.

"I'm lost," I whimpered.

"I wish I can help you."

"Why can't you help me," I sob.

"You been ignoring me," I looked at her hazel eyes, burning with lust.

"I'm sorry if you feel that way, but I'm not ignoring you," I lied. She came closer putting no space between us.

"What are you doing?" My heart is beating so fast.

"You'll see." then her lips crash to mine. My FIRST KISS was stolen by HER. Seriously what the HELL is going on, I fight vigorously from her grasp. She grasp my wrist tighter on my sides and brought her leg between my thigh rubbing it viciously. I moan loudly which gave her tongue a chance to invade inside my mouth. Finally I give up and let her do what ever she wants. Her hand let go of my wrist and made its way through my shirt touching every sides until it finally reach its destination.

"Wait," I yelled."I'm not ready."


"Shit," I startled. I straightened up and notice I'm still in the class room. I sign in relief that it was only a dream. Then I look at my side and see "what his face, name teacher". It looks like he drop a book on purpose beside me so I look at him with a "seriously man, look"

"So ms. Bloomfield how did your nap went?" the teacher ask me. "would you mind sharing your dream and what your "not ready" for." He humourlessly air quoted that.

I swear my face look like a tomato by now. Some of the student are giggling at me or teasing me but luckily someone knock on the door which distracted the teacher. Every one turned toward me and ask what my dream was, I didn't bother to answer. I can feel two burning eyes watching from behind me. Mr. teacher came back but this time he walk in with someone. The guy has the same hair colour as me, he walk in gracefully wearing a black and white plaid shirt and blue jeans. I saw everyone's jaw drop, who wouldn't he is so handsome everyone would fall for him. My giddiness woke up inside me, I want to jump up to my sit already and run toward him but mr. teacher is talking. I didn't bother to listen to him but when he finally finish chatting I jump out of my seat. Everyone's eyes was on me, I didn't care what they think, but I ran towards the guy at the front smile at me. He readied his arms out and I jump toward it like a child who just learned how to walk. I heard everyone gasp, my voice called out to him like a baby that just learned how to talk "MIKE."

"Hey, bunny," he laugh. "you miss me?"

"Of course I did,"kissing his forehead. We heard someone clear there throat and said "ms. Bloomfield why don't you tell him your dream since you won't tell us," giving me a sloppy smile.

"You fell asleep in class?" Giving me a question look.

"Probably," I looked away.

"I've known you since we are kids, Alyx so you can't lie to me." he teased. "so what's the dream about?"

"Secret," I wink at him. "so what are you doing here? I thought your coming next week."

"Well I was but I did miss my little bunnies birthday, so I came here to surprise you," he grins.

"Wait they let you in?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Ya, at first they thought I was a stalker but then they called dad and to clear if I was really your big bro," he chuckle. "and I have to beg to your teacher if I can see you." He rolled his eyes.

"Wheres Ryle then," I ask.

"Looking for me," a deep voice said behind me. I jump out of Mike's hand and went to his. "hey bunny, happy belated birthday."

"Thank you," I told them both. Everyone is now eyeing us, I let go of Ryle and was about to tell them to go since it's still class time but mr. teacher ask me "how old are you now, Alyx."

"17," I mumbled.

"," Mike interrupt. "thank you mr. Roberts for letting us see and talk to my sis here," giving me a peck on the cheeks. So that's his name "mr. Roberts" I have been calling him "what's his face or mr. teacher."

"No problem," said mr. Roberts.

"We'll be heading out then." they both said. "we'll pick you up later, Alyx and we're ganna give your present later."

"You have the best brothers, Alyx they even surprise you even tho it's not your birthday anymore." mr. Roberts exclaim.

"Ya I do," I sign not telling him that Ryle is not my brother.

"Well then take your seat and pay more attention."

I walk back to my seat, Liz was watching me while I walk. I blush when our eyes meet, she gave a her signature smirk. As I sat she lean to me and whispered "I heard you moan my name." My face flush bright pink, someone shoot me now I prayed.

She's the only one in my mind(gxg)(lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now