Lies for love.

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I quickly ran to where the soap was kept and wow there was loadssss of valuables in there, including my dads special comb (dont ask me why thats with his valuables) eventually i found the contacts, i was so happy. I jumped up and down untill i heard my mum call from downstairs asking what i was doing. I quickly put everything back in its place and rushed downstairs. I stuffed my face with my low fat honey breakfast and stampeded back up the stairs, i heard the contacts shaking in my pyjama pocket as a went up the stairs. I hurriedly put on my polo shirt and put the contacts in my blazer pocket where i keep my stationery. I slipped on my skinny school trouser and grabbed on my school bag. I put my hand into my pocket where the contacts were just to reassure myself that they didn't fall out. "Woah that was quick, you might want to relax for a while we've still got 45 minutes left" my mum said smiling.
"Oh um yeh, I've got to go basket ball club" i said nervously.
"On Mondays? Its on Fridays isn't it?" Mum questioned.
"Mum!" I said firmly.
My mum eventually believed my lie and drove me to school. She made me put on the glasses before i went and watched me walk into the school so she that she knew i wasn't taking them of. The moment i was in the school i power walked as fast as i could to the toilets. I took of my glasses and put them into my school bag i then put on my contacts but at the same time checking to see if my any one was there as well. When i put my contacts on i could feel my adrenalin blowing up. I was scared and worried but i had a small sense of relief that i got those stupid glasses of.
For the rest of the 45 well (42 by the time all that happened) i waited in one of the cubicles in the toilets until i finally heard the bell for class. I look a deep and long sigh before i walked out. I was shaking hard. What if the contacts look fake, what if my dads informed the teachers about my glasses. I tried to smile it off and hug everyone who hugged me.
My first lesson was Science and for once i wasn't concentrating i was to busy being afraid that my parents would just suddenly barge in to class. "Taylor" one of my friends whispered, her name's Jessica. I jumped up in my seat "loool did i scare you" she laughed still whispering.
"Jessica, oh my God what" i laughed back.
"TAYLOR!" My science teacher shouted. "Ive been watching you all lesson now first not playing attention now talking. YOU HAVEN'T EVEN WRITTEN THE DAMN DATE AND TITLE!! Come back after school I'm sure we can re-do the lesson just for you"
"Aww the poor girl got detention ugh she needs to fix up like some people want to pass" Vanessa laughed. Ugh her why does she always have to interfere with what i do.
"Ok looks like another 'poor girl' can join her" the teacher said back.
Vanessa rolled her and still laughed.
"Whatever Vanessa its ok to be upset that you got a D for science and Taylor got an A*" Jessica said.
"Hold on," Callum said ending all the laughs and the occasional boy screeching 'fight fight fight fight'. "Taylor didn't even do anything like why're you ever picking on her anyway"
At this point of time i would normally be having a cussing match with Vanessa, standing by Callum and getting angry at the teacher but i was just to focussed on fear and thinking about the way i looked with those ugly glasses.
The next lesson was English i we were doing a project. We wasn't allowed to pick partners so i was grouped with Liam. He was the most cleverest guy I've ever met. He was a full on nerd. He was always with teachers during break and lunch times, he would help teachers with planning lessons you know nerd stuff. No one really played much attention to him. He was probably the most nicest boy I've ever met he was nice you know.
The day went by so quick and then detention. We all each were told to sit in our own corner and it dragged for a long time until finally the teacher left to go get more paper or whatever.
"Callum come here" Vanessa called to Callum and glancing at me. Callum looked at me and them came to me. Vanessa just laughed it of. We both spoke for the rest of the detention even when the teacher got back. It was sort of great. But the fear of the glasses still was in my head. I didn't tell anyone about the glasses i lied for love.

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