The next day.

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When i walked in to school everyone was smiling at me. "Woah the magazine couldn't have been made that fast" i thought.
As i was about to go to my lesson Jessica, Massy and Nora ran to me and hugged me tight. "Omg" Massy began. "Since when were you a model"
"You looked amazing on the Retro magazine photoshoot" Jessica said hugging me again.
"How do you guys even know about that?" I asked.
"Well duh its all over @RetroMagazines insta page" Nora said jumping and then showed me on her phone. I was amazed. I actually looked better in glasses than without for once.
"You are like so amazingly popular now everyone has seen this picture" Massy screamed.
"Oh and now everyone like totally hates Vanessa. Point Taylorrrrrr" Jessica screamed.
"Wait, hold on before you guys hated me and now that I'm popular you guys suddenly love me" i questioned. They didn't reply.
Then Callum came and held me hand. "Um, hey Taylor" he began. "You looked beautiful in retro magazine, I'm so sorry for what i did to you. Loosing all my friends made me realise what a jerk face i have become. Take me back?"
I snatched my hand away from him and gave him a dirty look and walked away.
Liam was right, no one gives a shit weather a person is good or not, they just care about the popularity of a person.
On the way to my first lesson. (English) i would gets hugs and smiles, i was even more popular than before i wore glasses.
In English, our project was due in today and it was time to present it.
Me and Liam were the first people who were asked to present. Jessica, Massy and Nora cheered for me and i smiled at them. Our presentation was about our opinions about why bullies bully. Liam had made a power point and he went through that. I didn't say much until it came to the end of the power point. "Personally i believe that bullies bully to impress people and for popularity." I began, then the words just started to come out of my mouth. " During the making of this project i learnt that i don't need to impress anyone, no one does because at the end of the day we're all just here to study and i'll easily rather be alone and unknown about than have friends who will use you for popularity or a boy who just wants money. But there is always that one person who you will stand by you, even if you haven't met them yet, there is that one person. In my life that one person is Liam and he's probably been the best friend I've ever met" Liam looked at me and smiled and the whole class stared at me in silence.
"Um well done guys" clapped the english teacher and the class clapped after her.
"You guys basically covered everything it was all 100%. But you do know you would've still passed without the emotional speech at the end" she winked.
From that day on i'm not afraid to hide hide my geeky side any more and my glasses are my crown and i wear it with pride.

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