In hiding.

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We only had 15 mins left of english so i just stayed in one of the toilet cubicles. I didn't want anyone to see me like.
Seconds felt like hours, i always would look down at my phone checking the time. I just hoped something would happen so i wouldn't have to wear these glasses.
After 15mins of hiding the bell finally went. I had science. I defiantly couldn't wear my glasses there, Vanessa and Callum were there what would they think. It'll be hell for me but i realised that i couldn't stay in hiding any longer. I walked to class without my glasses and wow contacts did ruin your eye sight, everything was just a bug blur of colours and i was constantly bumping into people. When i eventually found my way to class i sat in my seat squinting my eyes throughout the lesson.
In sort of the middle of the lesson we were reading a text book. Everything in there looked like letter fs in the eye check out place.
"Taylor" the science teacher called. I looked around trying to make eye contact with him. "Can you read source 5 please" i panicked i looked at Jessica and then at Callum.
"Ugh can you just read the book like do you even know how to read you wth" Vanessa shouted with rage.
"I can read ok why do you even have to comment anyway" i shouted back. It was just the heat of the moment my fear was replaced by anger and i put on my glasses. The writing was a lot more clearer now. "You wear glasses?" Vanessa laughed. Then everyone laughed along with her, even Jessica. I felt so alone, i should've just carried on hiding.

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