Chapter 1: Normal?

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"Gear up," Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs addressed his team.

"What do we have this time boss?" His Senior Special Agent Anthony 'Tony' DiNozzo asked.

"Obviously a dead body Tony," His youngest Special Agent Timothy 'Tim' McGee stated rolling his eyes.

"Sarcasm doesn't agree with you Probie," Tony replied with a scowl.

"If you children are done, there is a dead body waiting to be investigated," Ziva David, ex Mossad Agent remarked.

"HEY! I said GEAR UP," Gibbs yelled from the elevator.

Ziva, Tim and Tony made it to the elevator just before it closed.


They made it safely to the crime scene (as safe as they could get since Ziva was the one who drove them). It was a grassy field surrounded by trees. And in the middle, was the pale dead body of a man.

"Lieutenant Quentin Warfield, age 35, no wife or kids, car no where to be found," McGee announced. They began bagging and tagging evidence.

"Cause and time of death Duck?" Gibbs asked the ME Dr.Donald 'Ducky' Mallard.

Taking the liver probe from the dead man's side, he looked at the time. "Well Jethro, it seems that this man was killed about 11 o'clock PM last night. Caused from asphyxiation telling by the bruises around the neck, under the ears and popped vessels in the cornea and multiple stab wounds in the chest..." Ducky commented, motioning to the body.

"So which was it first Duck?" Gibbs inquired.

"Good question, I believe that the strangulation was done first followed by the brutal stabbing. Jethro, this man was definitely killed in a fit of anger," Ducky remarked.

"Jealous ex maybe?' Tony suggested.

"It says he has an ex girlfriend named Aryanna Velez," Tim piped.

Gibbs nodded. "Alright, bring her in. Finished bagging and tagging?"

The agents nodded.

"Alright, Mr.Palmer, proceed placing this poor fellow into the truck to take back to Autopsy," Duck instructed Jimmy, his assistant.

"Right away Doctor," Jimmy replied obediently

They all returned to the Navy Yard. This was before things took a turn for the weird....

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