Chapter 17: Trouble in School

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Hey sorry for the delay! I got writer's block! Here's a new one for you all! (Dialogue in italics is spoken in Hebrew)


Weeks had gone by. The kids and the team had eventually gotten used to the change. Zora and Tom had found that they quite liked their class. The only problem was that there were a pair of bullies in their class, and they got away with it.

Riley and Peter Zamora were twins with curly blonde hair and mischievous green eyes. Riley liked to annoy Zora with her incessant chatter to the point where Zora wanted to rip the girl's vocal cords out. Peter would bully and harass Tom every chance he got. Tripping him, making fun of him, anything.

They'd even switch. Riley would mess with Tom by thumping him and such. Peter would pull on Zora's Katniss Everdeen style braid (she had become obsessed with the Hunger Games) whenever her back was turned. The teacher would never punish them for it... not that she had ever noticed.

Zora had had enough one morning. Angrily pulling on her shoes and then eventually breaking the zipper from her jacket and ripping her backpack by accident did not help her case.

Arriving at school, she sat down in her seat and smoothed her long, curly braid over her shoulder.

"Alright class, it is time to start your worksheets," Mrs. Jacobs announced.

Zora started on her multiplication and long division worksheet. She saw Tom working diligently. Halfway through the multiplication, she felt something wet hit the back of her neck.


Another fresh spitball hit her again. Zora whirled around in her seat to face the smug grin on Peter's face.

"Will you quit!?" Zora hissed.

"C'mon, Zahara, live a little," Peter replied.

"My name, is Zora. Now leave me alone!" Zora whispered again.

"Miss DiNozzo! Is there a problem?" Mrs. Jacobs snapped.

Zora sighed. "No, Mrs. Jacobs," she responded, resuming her work.

Tom was almost to the long division section when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his neck.

"Ow! Will ya stop?" Tom yelped.

Riley smirked. "Aw, what's the matter? Thomas the Train is about to cry like a big baby?" She mocked.

Tom scowled. "No. My name is Tom. Now quit botherin' me," he snapped.

"Thomas! Is there an issue?" Mrs. Jacobs scolded.

Tom nodded. "Yeah. Riley keeps thumpin' me in the back of my head," he answered. Zora was surprised at this small act of boldness from her cousin.

"I saw you turned around. I didn't see her doing anything," Mrs. Jacobs stated.

"But, I-"

"Not another word, young man. I do not know what is going on with you two today," Mrs. Jacobs scolded.

Zora clenched her fists. She honestly didn't care about the consequences. If the twins tried anything again, she was going to show them who was boss.


During the walk to art, Zora pulled Tom towards her.

"Tom, I have had enough! If they try something else, I will fight back," Zora hissed.

Tom paled. "B-but, Zora, our parents-"

"I do not care! I can't keep letting them treat us like this," Zora interrupted.

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