Chapter 5: Even Weirder...

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At that moment, Gibbs strolled in with yet ANOTHER cup of hot Starbucks. Tony, Tim and Ziva looked up slightly from their paperwork and exchanged glances. Gibbs sat down at his desk and started writing on his papers.

"Young man," Gibbs quietly addressed AJ.

AJ looked up. "Yes Gibbs?"

Gibbs crooked his finger at him motioning AJ over to him. AJ shuffled over to Gibbs with his head down.

" wanna tell me what happened?" Gibbs asked quietly.

"Not really," AJ answered, sarcastically shrugging.

"Oh! Lemme rephrase that. What happened up there?" Gibbs answered, narrowing his eyes.

AJ confessed everything that happened. When he got to the part when Jen spanked him, he blushed and stopped.

"I'm guessing the Director punished you?" Gibbs asked. AJ nodded. 'Good job, Jen,' Gibbs thought to himself.

Gibbs nodded. "Alright. Don't worry, I'm not punishing you further. This time. This is your only get-out-of-jail-free card. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am!" AJ answered goofily. He was definitely not prepared for the sharp headslap that he had received. It definitely wasn't as hard as Gibbs would give to the team but as hard as a 10 year old could take.

"YeOW!" AJ yelped, rubbing his head.

"You're a SMART ASS," Gibbs snapped, pointing at AJ.

AJ rubbed his head with a scowl. "Great. Now my butt AND head hurts!"

Gibbs and the team laughed at this. "Get used to it, son, there's more of that where that came from if the sarcasm doesn't stop," Gibbs stated. AJ chuckled.

"Can I go to Ducky's?" AJ asked. The Scotsman had grown very fond of the clever and inquisitive child.

Gibbs nodded and waved him off.

"Be careful!" Ziva warned.

"No more super gluing!" Tony called after him.

Gibbs chuckled at this. They would definitely make great parents.


"Hi Ducky!" AJ greeted entering the chilly Autopsy room.

"Why hello, my lad, and how are you doing today?" Ducky asked returning the hug that the child gave him.

"Fine, I guess," AJ remarked shrugging.

Ducky eyed him curiously. "Ah...I see,"

AJ raised an eyebrow.

"You've gotten yourself in quite some mischief haven't you?"

AJ nodded and looked down. "Yeah I did...I went around super gluing stuff and lied to the Director,"

Ducky shook his head slightly. "Now now lad I'm sure you've been forgiven,"

AJ nodded. "Yeah. But my backside stiiiiiiiilllll hurts!"

Ducky chuckled. "Well at least it teaches you not to repeat your actions,"

AJ made a fake thoughtful look. "Weeeellll...."

Ducky eyed the boy sternly. "Young man...."

"Kidding kidding. I'm surely not gonna do THAT again. And the team was disappointed," AJ stated contritely.

"Ah well in order not to feel that again, you just shouldn't do what you did again," Ducky advised. AJ nodded in understanding.

"Yeah...Well I'm leaving Duckman! I'll see ya later!" AJ remarked bolting out of the room.

Ducky shook his head with a chuckle. The boy really reminded him of DiNozzo. He even looked like him. Hm that was strange. Well he reminded him of a time when....


AJ came back up to the bullpen and saw Tony and Ziva talking with each other quietly, sitting across from each other. They stopped and notice AJ looking at them curiously.

"AJ, we need to talk," Ziva stated. AJ nodded and sat next to them.

"You've heard about Ziva and I's relationship.." Tony started off carefully.

AJ nodded. "Uh huh...I think it's nice. I like you two together," he remarked, smiling.

Ziva smiled. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Well, since we are together, we have decided to live...together," she explained.

"So you're moving in with Tony?" AJ asked. Tony nodded. Huh, he basically summed all of that up easily.

"Why didn't ya just say so? That's an awesome idea!" AJ commented, giggling.

"We have become very fond of you. So do you want to live with us? For now?" Ziva asked.

They waited and held their breath as they read the emotions that flowed across the 10 year old's face.

"Okay!" AJ decided, jumping up in excitement wrapping his arms around Ziva's neck. She hugged him back and kissed his forehead. This was all interrupted however when they heard a small voice behind them.

"Excuse me?" It said. They were shocked at what they saw. A girl about AJ's age stood waiting patiently at the end of the bullpen. She was dressed exactly like a mini version of Abby with the black skull tee, a short plaid mini skirt, and long black boots minus the high heels. Her face was pale and her hair was dirty blonde and set in high pigtails.

"Deja Vu," Tony breathed. Ziva glared at Tony in exasperation as if to say, 'That's all you have to say?'

Their weird days have just gotten even weirder....


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