Chapter 13: Zora's Bad Day

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Remember when Zora told AJ that she wasn't afraid of a 'little spanking'? She might wanna re-think that...

Focuses on mostly McGee and Zora. Yep, McGee; he can be serious too!


Zora was in a mood. Why? She didn't know. Neither did anyone else. She just was and she didn't feel that she was obligated to give a valid reason.

She snapped at Amy, yelled at AJ and ignored Tom. Ziva told her to quit and Tony gave her a warning. McGee even said her name in that no-nonsense tone that usually kept her on the straight and narrow with him for a while. But it didn't work this time and she didn't listen.

Ziva, Tony and Gibbs went out to the field and McGee was to find some computer files from the suspect's computer.

Zora sat down in Tony's chair with a huff. McGee didn't say anything for a while.

"Zora, what is going on? You aren't usually like this," McGee asked after a long moment of tense silence.

Zora shot him a glare that was not unlike Ziva's and rolled her eyes.

Honestly, McGee couldn't believe that that was the same girl. He was no doubt her favorite uncle and was made her godfather. She loved him very much and always held a high level of respect with him. But right then, McGee couldn't recognize this moody girl as his sweet and quiet niece.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," McGee warned.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," Zora mocked.

'She did not just start the mocking game,' McGee thought to himself.

"Zora do NOT start with me," McGee said firmly.

He noticed Zora's eyes widen slightly but they were once again filled with brashness.

"Or what?" she challenged bravely.

"Or I'll-" McGee started. 'Should I say it? Oh of course I should! I'm the adult here', he thought to himself.

"I'll spank you," he snapped sternly.

Zora took in a sharp intake of breath. She scowled. "You would not," she replied insolently.

"Try me, young lady, and you'll end up with a sore bottom," McGee answered sharply.

Zora smiled deviously. "I am sooo scared," she mocked, getting up.


"You would NOT spank me," Zora challenged once again.

"You obviously weren't listening. When your parents aren't around, I'm in charge and I say, QUIT IT," McGee snapped.

Zora mumbled something under her breath in Hebrew. By that point, McGee was pissed.

"Care to translate?" he asked crossly.

"Translation: BULLSHIT," Zora yelled bravely.

There was a stunned silence between the both of them. Zora couldn't believe that had come out of her mouth. She had then realized that she went way too far. McGee was shocked that such a thing would come out of the mouth of a girl so quiet and polite.

McGee narrowed his eyes at Zora. "You pushed way too far, Zora," he remarked, deadly calm.

Zora was filled with terror at the angry expression on her usually patient uncle's face. "Uncle Tim, I-"

"No," McGee cut her off. "I'm done. Come here," he told her.

Zora knew what was coming. "Uncle Tim, please, I am sorry," she pleaded.

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