Chapter 6: Amy

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"How did you get here?" Ziva asked carefully.

"My legs," the girl replied sarcastically.

Ziva narrowed her eyes. "Quit being smart. Now who are you and what are you doing here?" she asked impatiently.

Tim and Gibbs popped up from Abby's lab and froze when they saw the mysterious girl.

"A-Abby!?" Tim asked confused. He rubbed his eyes as if the girl would disappear. But she was still there looking impatient.

"Who's Abby?" she asked.

"Never mind that, the real question is, who are YOU?" Gibbs asked gruffly.

The girl realized that Gibbs wasn't messing around. She sighed.

"Fine... my name is Amy Silo. Well actually its Amelia Cathryn Silo but that's when I'm in trouble but I don't think I'm in trouble now so it's just Amy-" Amy babbled.

"Okay, now I see why you mistook her for Abby," Tony remarked.

"Why are you here?" Gibbs inquired.

"I was born to deaf parents," Amy

started. She put up her hands and signed 'So I know ASL'.

Gibbs signed back 'So do I' effectively surprising her.

"But they died last week... they were gonna put me in custody of my Great Aunt Patience, and believe me that's a misnomer," Amy explained.

"Why do you say that?" Tim asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Ever since I became gothic at age 8, she's called me 'The Devil's Gift' or a 'Slovenly Delinquent of Dark Evil'. But these days, it's 'Disgraceful Gutter Snipe'. Plus she carries this long wooden stick that she uses to hit anything or anyone who would talk back to her. So I ran here because my uncle who was a Marine always said to come to NCIS if I needed help," Amy explained.

Gibbs considered this. "I'll tell our Director. Plus, if you are put in our custody instead of your dear, patient old aunt's, I'll have to tell her," he decided.

Amy jumped up and engulfed Gibbs in a familiar bone crushing hug.

"Well... I see you're a firm believer in hugging... and I'm guessing you drink Caf-Pow! ?" Gibbs commented.

Amy nodded eagerly. "Uh huh! I LIVE off of it... But I drink Caf-Pow! Jr. I can't drink Caf-Pow! until I'm 18,"

Gibbs chuckled. "You'll love our forensic scientist Abby,"

"Ohhhh so THATS' who Abby is, and forensics?Awesome!"Amy commented excitedly.

Gibbs guided her to Abby's lab where they are met with an ear-splitting session of an unknown (to him) and vulgar metal band. Amy bobbed her head to the music.

"Brain Matter, awesome," Amy signed in sign language.

Gibbs shut the deafening sound source off ceasing the music. Abby swiveled around.

"Hey Gibbs! I don't have anything for you-" Abby stated but she froze and looked at Amy in disbelief.

"H-hi Abby... I'm Amy-" Amy started but was met with a hard hug.

"You are sooo cute!! You look like me at 10! OMG OMG OMG you are too adorable!!!" Abby squealed.

"Abby...c-cant-" Amy wheezed. Abby put her down and took a look at her equally gothic styled outfit.

"Love the look!" Abby said.

Amy smiled. "You too! I love the collar, Abby!"

Gibbs chuckled. "Okay then Abs, Amy, let's go to the Director. She'll probably think we're playing a prank on her,"

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