Chapter 2: AJ

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Returning to the Navy Yard, within about 2 hours to their relief and delight, Aryanna couldn't stand a chance against Gibbs in interrogation. She confessed to murdering the Lieutenant in jealousy for being with another girl. This was basically one of the easiest cases they'd ever received.

Tony sat back at his desk with his feet up. "Ha! I knew it was the ex all along! But noooo everyone doubts DiNozzo!" he bragged.

Ziva and McGee ignored him in hopes he would stop talking. But alas, they were not that lucky.

"Like COME ON! It was right there but no one but ME pointed it out! Shouldn't I get like a round of applause? Slap on the shoulder?" Tony scoffed.

Suddenly, his head rocked forward when Gibbs' hand slapped it. "There's your slap DiNozzo, you happy?"

"Yes Boss thank you," Tony replied quickly.

"And get your damn feet down and shut up before I shove my boot up your ass!" Gibbs snapped. Tony quickly complied.

"Now, I'm going on a coffee break.Vanilla latte for Tony, Hot coffee with skim milk for Tim and a mocha for Ziva?" Gibbs asked.

The agents nodded, Gibbs turned and walked away. "Back in 30,"

The agents continued their usual banter. Tim tried to explain a new computer software to Ziva who was trying not to look lost but failed...miserably. Tony got bored but quickly found fun in interrupting Tim whenever he said 'computer' or 'install' which was VERY often.

This all stopped however when a boy, about the age of 9 walked in and stood looking bored and impatient, staring into space.

Tim was the first to notice. "Uhhh kid? Where are your parents?"

The boy looked at him with a dirty look and proceeded to stand staring into space.

"Excuse me young man, the grown up has asked you a question," Ziva said to the boy.

The boy turned and actually spoke, surprising the agents with his words.

"Piss off will ya!?" he yelled at Ziva.

Ziva's eyes sparked with fire. Tony saw this and stood up, abruptly holding her back from strangling the child.

"Hey, I got this Zi," Tony whispered, calming Ziva down. He knelt down to his level.

"Yo kid, this place is no place for a little fella like you. There could be a wild criminal around here and it's real dangerous. See McGoo and Zee-Vah over there? They wanna help you. I do too," Tony stated patiently.

McGee and Ziva were dumbfounded. This is the first time that Tony of all people is talking to a kid and PATIENTLY...oh they definitely must be dreaming.

The kid hesitated, then nodded. "Good, now apologize to Agent David for the disrespect," Tony ordered, motioning to Ziva who stood with her arms crossed.

The boy rolled his eyes and didn't move. "HEY!" Tony yelled, making Ziva, Tim and the boy jump up. "What did I just say? Apologize,"

The boy sighed. "I'm sorry Agent David for my disrespect it won't happen again," he replied.

Ziva nodded. "Good, now sit here," Tony instructed, pulling up an extra chair near his desk. "And wait until our Boss comes back,"

"Back," Gibbs remarked popping in from no where. The agents looked at him quizzically.

"No traffic or long lines this time. Here," Gibbs said handing out their beverages. He sat down quietly and put on his glasses. He began writing paperwork.

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