Chapter 10: Intros & Investigations

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Chapter 10: Introductions & Investigations

When they got up to the bullpen, they saw Tony and Ziva sitting at their desks. Gibbs handed Tony an NCIS ID card. Ziva gave them a quizzical look and Tony handed it to

her. Gibbs handed Tim an ID similar to the one he gave Tony.

The card was like the NCIS issue IDs that all employees have, but this one was different. It had 'Amelia Cathryn Silo' printed on it with a barcode and a big picture of Amy, smiling happily.

Ziva showed Tim the ID. He saw that it was the exact same, but 'Antonio Dominic DiNardo' was printed on it with a big picture of AJ with a wide, innocent grin.

"What are these for?" Tim asked curiously.

"Well, since they're here to stay, we should make them ID cards," Gibbs stated simply.

"Now. I think we should properly introduce someone," Gibbs said, putting a hand on Tom's shoulder.

"This is Thomas Ryan Miller. Also known as Tom and he is 10 years old. He'll be staying here also," Gibbs introduced.

Gibbs gestured to Ziva.

"Tom, this is Ziva," Gibbs said.

Tom waved to Ziva shyly. She smiled and waved back.

"Hello, Tom," she answered kindly.

Gibbs gestured to Tony. "This is Tony,"

Tony got up and shook Tom's hand.

"Hey Tom, I am Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. You can call me, Tony," Tony greeted in his normal goofy but polite way.

Tom grinned. "Nice to meet you all," he said.

"Hey Tim, it isn't hard to see that this is YOUR mini," Tony remarked.

"Why do you say that?" Tim asked.

"Well, his style. It looks like the way you'd dress," Tony responded, gesturing to Tom's attire.

They all looked at the boy who was dressed in a royal blue, long-sleeved sweater vest with a red and white plaid button down shirt under it with the sleeves folded over the sweater sleeves. He wore khaki cargos and topped it off with red converse.

"He definitely has your sense of style, McGee," Abby commented with a smile.

Tim couldn't help but agree. "Yea, he does. Keep it that way," he said with a wink at Tom.

"Shouldn't Tom get an ID card too?" Abby inquired.

Gibbs nodded. "You can do that now, Abs. Take Tim with you,"

Abby took Tim and Tom down to the main wing of NCIS. She put Tom in a room with a large camera. She stood in front of the computer and typed in some information.

"Alright, Tom, just sit on that bench right there. Yep like that. Now, big smile," she directed standing in front of the computer.

Tom smiled, not showing his teeth, though. Tim noticed this, he never smiled showing his teeth as a kid either.

Abby snapped the picture and printed it onto the card. After a moment, the card popped out, freshly made. It had the same barcode and 'Thomas Ryan Miller' on it.

She placed the protective cover around it and clasped a navy blue NCIS lanyard through it then slipped it around Tom's neck.

"There! All done! You look so handsome!" she squealed looking at the ID. He blushed.

"I'm going back to the lab. See you guys later!" Abby said, planting a kiss to Tom's forehead and a peck on Tim's lips and headed to her lab.

"So, does this mean that, I get to stay with you two? I'm part of your family?" Tom asked.

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