Chapter 3: Adjusting to Change

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AJ sprinted down the steps and stood near Tim and Tony.

"So, I don't think we were properly introduced. I'm AJ," AJ greeted, turning on his charm and shaking each of their hands.

Tim smiled. "Nice to meet ya AJ. I'm Tim McGee.You can either call me 'Tim' or 'McGee'," Tim replied.

"Nice to meet you...uh McGee?" AJ said.

Tim nodded. AJ turned to Tony who smiled. "Hey little fella, I'm Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo. But you can call me Tony."

"Hi Tony...hey, our names sound kinda alike," AJ pointed out.

Tony nodded. "Yeah they do...and another thing is, my dad was exactly like yours,"

"Really?" AJ asked.

Tony nodded."Yeah. But Gibbs? He's a total s'more,"

"S'more?" AJ asked, confused.

"Yep. A s'more. He's got a tough hard outer graham cracker shell. But on the inside, he's like a gooey marshmallow and chocolate. You get it?" Tony explained.

AJ thought for a moment then he was hit with realization.

"OH!! So he's like the big tough guy that will end you with one look. But when you get to know him, he's a total softie?"

"Yup!" Tony praised, ruffling his hair.

"Since you're gonna be here for awhile we should get to know one another," Tim suggested.

"Okay!" AJ agreed brightly.

"Okay, so what's your favorite food?" Tim asked. At that moment, both Tony and AJ's stomachs growled loudly

"Bad question Probie," Tony joked.

"I know what I'd go for right about now," AJ stated.

"Me too," Tony replied dreamily.

"'A large super cheesy meat lover pizza with extra cheese," Tony and AJ said at the same time.

Tim raised his eyebrows. 'Great' he thought. 'Just what I needed was another DiNozzo'

"I don't see why we shouldn't go now, lets go tell Gibbs and the Director that we're leaving," Tony remarked, guiding AJ up the steps.


Meanwhile in the Director's office...

"Abs, you might wanna come up here...I think you'd like it....yes....what-no! Brain Matter is not coming to NCIS under any circumstances! No-just come on!" Ziva exclaimed slapping her phone shut.

At that moment, Tony and AJ walked through the door and AJ plopped himself on the couch.

"So, what's going on?" Tony asked.

"We thought it would be good if Abby found out from us," Gibbs replied.

"Oh yeah, AJ, our forensic scientist Abby is going to meet you," Tony stated.

"Really?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah but I have to warn you though, she is a BIG hugger, she drinks A LOT of Caf Pow, and she is one of the most spiritual and upbeat goths ever. She may seem scary at first," Tony told him.

"Okay, when do I meet her?" AJ asked.

Suddenly the door flew open and Abby bursted through it.

"Where's the surprise!?" Abby exclaimed, panting.

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