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When Louis arrived at Starbucks he looked around for Liam, him being the only one he would recognize. As his eyes scanned the room he finally saw Liam waving at him it was pretty busy for that time of day. After waving a response he stood in line to get his order taken, he looked over the group of guys at the table. There is a blonde guy with brown roots, and a guy with jet black hair, a guy with brown curly hair facing the other direction and of course Liam. They are all talking and laughing together and from here seem like nice guys but are they gonna freak when they find out I'm on cheer squad? Has Liam told them already? What if they treat me different? He was thinking all theses negative thoughts as the barista finally snapped him out of it by taking his order. He ordered a pumpkin spice latte of course and it was made rather quickly. He got his drink and walked over to an excited Liam.

"Guys, guys this here is Louis. He is my new dorm mate and I wanted you guys to meet him. He's pretty chill  even after walking in on Kate and I." Liam said smiling shyly and then introduced everyone else.

"So to my right here is Niall he is our running back and eating machine."
"Hey" Niall pouted. "Nice to meet you Louis"

"In front of Niall there is our star receiver Zayn, he's quite the ladies man and throws the best parties."
Zayn smiles at that. "Hey" was all he said.

"And last but not least our captain and quarterback Harry, he is the best this school has had in years."
"Hey stop" Harry said.
"Very modest of course also" Liam chimed in.
When Harry finally extends his hand to shake Louis' is when their eyes meet for the first time. It was short but electrifying for both yet neither knew why or even thought too much of it, kind of like when you get a little shock from dragging your feet on the carpet and touching someone. Louis extended his arm to all the boys and sucked in a deep breath full of nerves when Zayn finally asked.
"So Louis what do you play? I'm assuming your in a sport being in our dorm?" He paused for a moment knowing he should be proud of who he is and not care what people think but he really just wants to have friends, and it would be nice to not just be friends with the cheer squad. He shakes his nerves away and wills his confidence out when he finally lifts his head to speak.
"I'm on the cheer team." He looks down quickly waiting for the insults to start.
"Yeah he led his last team to state and now the school recruited him to help our girls out." Liam said proudly almost. Louis just nodded and smiled a little at Liam.
"Cool!" Said Zayn. Louis smiled, I guess it won't be so bad. Niall just smiled and nodded with his mouth full of the muffin he was eating. Harry smiled wide.
"That's cool, so your really good huh?"
"Well I guess, I don't really think I'm the one that got us to state it was a group effort but I suppose since I was captain."
"Well I don't want to sound rude or anything.." Harry paused long enough for Louis to think oh great here it comes.
"So what do you like about it?"
"Honestly, I got into it for the girls. The thought of getting to lift and look up you know, but I actually started to just like it."
"Ha that's perfect your a little perv." Harry said with a chuckle to which everyone joined even Louis.
"Yeah well unfortunately it kind of back fired really because everyone assumes I'm gay so..."
"Oh, that sucks." Liam chimed in while the rest of the boys grimaced.
"Yeah, but it is what it is. Can't change people's opinion so I just do my own thing ya know?"
"Yeah well your a brave one for sticking with it then." Harry said.
"Well I guess after years of judgment I just decided that I'm my own person and if people don't like it then I don't need them."
"Deep man." Zayn said pretending to be smoking a joint. The whole table erupted in laughter. Louis decided in that moment that he really likes these guys and hopes they will stay friends. Almost as if Niall was reading his mind he said.
"Hey Louis, your alright man. We should hangout sometime."
"Yeah that would be great, but I should probably go now I have to get my stuff in order and get some sleep, jet lag is a killer."
They all said their goodbyes and he left feeling satisfied that they accepted him. Maybe this would be a better year for him.

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