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I hurried out of Harry's room I really did need to study but I was more uncomfortable about the way we were sleeping. I saw Lacy in the hall and she give me an odd look for coming out of Harry's I guess. What's up with that? We just fell asleep as friends watching a movie is that so wrong? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, yeah that's it. I would never and I mean NEVER admit to it but he was comfy. Wait shut up Louis your straight and that's weird. I push the thoughts away and go to my room, I really need a shower and clean clothes.
"Hey Lou!"
"Hi Liam what's up?"
"I should be asking you that, did somebody have a hot date last night?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.
"Far from it. Actually after helping Harry I watched a movie with him and we fell asleep."
"Oh damn, well there is a party this  weekend maybe you can find a girl there."
"Okay... Are we playing match maker or what?" I asked with a chuckle.
"Your a shit you know that."
"Yeah I do." He said with a mischievous grin plastered to his face.
"Whatever, I'm going to shower."
I went to my drawer when Li wasn't looking and took out my pink panties, it's been a while and after sleeping all night in my jeans and boxers I wanted comfort. I step under the hot water to relax myself and boy does it work I really love my hot showers. After washing I step out and put on my panties. I relish the feeling soft cotton with a little lace fringe.
I slip on my jeans and t-shirt and run my hand through my hair before I exit the bathroom.
I decided to grab my stuff and go to Starbucks to eat breakfast and study before class. I walk the short distance and order my vanilla latte and a muffin and take a seat at a table and begin to spread my notes out before they call my name. I crammed in as much as I could in that short half hour hoping I got the important stuff memorized. I gathered everything into my backpack and threw my cup away as I exited. Classes were boring as usual today I can't wait for practice that's the best part of the day. When it was finally time I went to the locker room and saw all the football players had already arrived. I went to my locker and grabbed my practice clothes. I slipped my thumbs into my jeans and immediately started sweating, shit shit shit I forgot the panties. I quickly went into the bathroom stall to change. That was a close one. I can't imagine what the football team would say, id probably get my ass kicked. After changing I walk out and see Harry changing in the corner and walk up.
"Hey," I sigh. "So sorry I took off so fast nothing personal I just had to study a bit before my test."
"No problem, thanks again for yesterday it means a lot to me. Your a good friend!"
"Your welcome, I'd do it again that's what friends do."
"Yeah, well we better get out there."
"Yeah this may be a little awkward for me with Lacy." I state grinning and shrugging.
"Oh god sorry about that." He said with a really guilty look in his eyes. I just burst into a fit of laughter.
"Oh H it's gonna be great I can't wait to see if she has anything to say. Oh please tell Harry I'm so sorry and forgive me. It's ok I think I'll have fun with it really." He just smiled shyly and shrugged.
"Let's go."
So as we are working on our routine I notice Lacy steering clear of me which I don't mind a bit. That bitch hurt my friend and I don't want any part of her really if it were up to me she'd be off the team. I hate cheaters it really bothers me a lot. Apparently she asked coach to have a different throwing partner probably out of fear I'd drop her on purpose, it's laughable really. I mean be responsible for your own actions and 'man up' not literally of course. At the end of practice the homecoming activities were announced in which one day we are to have a silly game of cheerleader football while the actual team is to dress in girl cheer outfits and cheer us on. That'll be on Monday. Then Tuesday we will start making our floats for the parade nothing fancy but creative. Wednesday is a huge pep rally. Thursday is pajama day what? Friday of course we have another huge rally then our little parade through campus and of course Saturday is the game. I'm starting to think we are really in high school. But it still sounds like fun. We head back to the locker room for showers but I opt out, going for one at home because of my little Panty issue.

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