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I'm trying to relax after my long day after cheer practice I went to the gym and now wish I wouldn't have. Liam is watching a movie on his laptop with headphones, he's so considerate. Just as I'm closing my eyes I hear Liam's ringtone, which he is oblivious to with headphones in, I quickly grab an extra pillow and toss it at him pointing at his phone. He quickly answered and I can hear how distressed he is by his tone. My ears perk up when I hear "that bitch" it's not something I would expect out of his mouth. After hanging up he informed me that we were having the boys over right now! I sigh getting off my bed and ask.
"What's up? What are we doing? I'm so tired."
"Harry walked in on Marcus and lacy having sex." My eyes widen I don't really know either of them well but it's still a horrible situation.
"Oh shit, so what's the plan then?"
"Movies and a lot of venting I'm sure."
"Right so what is better action,horror or comedy?"
"Let's go comedy a good laugh might be the trick."
"I'll get it ready while you get snacks." We make a good team I think as we prepare for everyone to come.
"So is that a common thing when someone has a break up or what?"
"Well no but he was cheated on that brings it to a whole other level. I sent Zayn to go get beer so we should be all set." We sat some pillows on the floor with blankets and made it as comfy as possible, when we finished that up there was a knock at the door.
"Niall, Harry!" I hear Liam say.
"Hey" said Niall as Harry just nodded and walked in. He came and sat down on the bed then flopped back running his hands through his hair.
"I'm sorry Harry." I say as I sit next to him. He doesn't say anything just nods with his hands on his face. That must be awful, it's one thing to find out you were cheated on but to see it first hand! I reach over and rub his arm up and down for a bit trying to calm him and show my support. After Zayn gets here we finally got to watch a movie and drink beer. We all sit in our little pillow fort and munch on popcorn and beer.
"Great pillow fort!" Zayn said taking a swig of his beer.
"Thanks," I said. "I've had plenty of practice watching Disney movies in these with my sisters."
We sat watching The hangover and making small talk here and there letting the beer relax Harry more.
"So wanna talk?" Liam chimes in.
"I don't know I guess." Harry said hesitantly.
"Do you guys know why I was going over there?" He asked looking at Zayn for a sign on wether or not he told them. He just shook his head to signal that he didn't. Which he would never do because he's not that kind of friend and deep down Harry knows this.
"I was gonna break up with her." He paused while hearing gasps and staring at their shocked faces, all but Zayn of course.
"It still hurts that she cheated though, I mean I would never do that to anyone." He runs his fingers through his unruly hair and shakes his head.
"UGH!" He grunts. "You know we've never had sex? I guess I deserved it huh?"
"What? No never!" Zayn shouted with disgust. "If you don't want to that's all you but if she had a problem with it she should have talked to you."
"Thanks, sometimes I feel lame for not fucking around like most college kids but at the same time I don't think sex should define me."
"Your not lame Harry, that's honorable if you ask me." Liam said and everyone else agreed.
"Hey man keep your chin up I'm sure you'll find someone worthy of your love in your own time." Zayn said trying to sound reassuring. "I need to go to her place tomorrow to get something's and maybe talk a little and I'd really like support, could one of you come with me?"
"I'll go, I don't know her well but maybe that's for the best." Louis said.
Niall was pretty quiet the whole time not really knowing what to say but Harry didn't mind he was there for him and that's all that matters. They finished their beers and decided to call it a night. When Harry got up off the floor he only wobbled a little he wasn't drunk just a little tipsy. He grabbed onto Liam and clutched him hard.
"Thanks man, for putting your night on hold for me." He said with a sheepish smile.
"Anytime H your like my brother, I'd do it again in a heart beat." Harry smiled and patted Liam's back and walked up to Louis.
"Thanks!" He said hugging him. "And thanks for tomorrow."He was still holding Louis when he replied.
"Of course, anything for a friend." He smiled a straight but sincere smile. After letting go he hugged Zayn and thanked him for everything also, he then wrapped his arm around Niall and walked to his room.

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