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This will be from mostly Liam's perspective.

"What did I do?" I said out loud to myself. I can't seem to move, the guilt is overwhelming. I don't know why I would ever say that to him, he's a great friend to us in such a short amount of time but in that moment I thought of Harry hurt and thought he should too. I knew that would be the way to do it, the way to really piss him off. Hell I have nothing against gays anyway, my sister is and I love her more than anything. But knowing how sensitive he is to that, I picked his weakness and went straight for the throat. I need to go talk to the boys, I've been sitting here for hours just trying to come up with a way to fix this. I walked slowly to Niall and Harry's knowing they'd still be there. I knocked lightly and came in right away.

"Hey guys." I said, a little weary of their reactions to me being an asshole. They all looked up from the movie they were watching and said hello.
"So, what's going on?" They all kind of made eye contact with each other till Harry finally spoke.
"Nothing really, I felt bad about chasing Louis away and these guys are trying to cheer me up." Now the guilt is ten fold.
"Wait you sent him away? Why?" I ask feeling more guilt pile on. Harry sighed.
"I guess I should be honest about this." I looked to him confused.
"I-I kind of um, damn it this is hard."
"Go ahead Harry no one's judging here." Niall said quietly.
"I um like Louis, like a lot. It hurts knowing he will never feel the same." Harry said choking up while I was looking on in shock.
"Don't say that Harry, you never know until you talk to him." Niall said reassuring.
"Shit!" I cursed out loud knowing I probably single handedly shoved Louis further in the closet that he may or may not have been in. Nobody knows yet but I don't know if I should say anything or not. I don't want to be hated and yet I feel so bad.
"L-Liam? Are you gonna hate me now?" I rushed over to Harry knowing he was in a state of weakness at the moment. I grabbed him by the shoulders and stated proudly, "I will love you no matter who you love. I'm your friend and I'm not going anywhere." I pulled him into a hug.
"You should talk to him, ya know? But maybe not tonight, you need to recover and get your self together first." I smiled as much as I could and decided I better find Louis and talk to him, maybe I can make this better.
I walked in to my dorm surprised to see Louis getting dressed up, he don't usually go out this late at night.
"Louis, look I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you, I didn't even mean it you know? I was just trying to piss you off." Louis stared not wanting to accept my apology, I could tell but before he had the chance to respond I kept going.
"Just so you know I'm not homophobic either, my sister is gay and I love her with all my heart." This time he butted in.
"I'm not gay though, that's what hurts about it." I was trying to choose my words carefully but was getting frustrated.
"That's fine Lou but why does it bother you so much then, if it isn't true you should just let that shit roll off your shoulder." I stood watching as he walked toward the door, he slowly turned and said something shocking and hopeful all at once.
"Because some days I'm not sure, and I don't want them to be right." He paused a moment and sighed, while I was at a loss for words.
"I'm going out to a club, gonna try to get lucky! Don't wait up." With that he left and my heart sank for Harry sitting in his room waiting to confess his feelings to someone who's going to have meaningless sex just to prove a point.

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